Thursday, July 24, 2008


Extreme Pita 10% total is now at 31.52. A few people mentioned this morning that they have reciepts out just bring em my way when you come to the runs or whatever!

Here's the plan for the DBRC water station next Wednesday. I will report to the store at 6:00pm (per thier request) and get our location assignment. I will then TEXT those of you who mentioned you'd be helping and let you know the address. (robin, leslie, jen and sydney, krista and lily, Sheri P, Diane, and Donna??? (if I missed you let me know!) If you can be there at 6:45 to finish setting up, that's be GREAT! As far as a patio afterwards, yes, that's still the plan if anyone wants. We'll determine the place after our shift. I know some of you are running too! Awesome! We'll connect back up with you at the end of the race (at the store) if you want a frosty to replenish your carbs :)