Monday, April 9, 2007

Dr J goes techno

First time blogging. I kinda have the shakes. I feel as though I have entered into a whole new cyber-geek teritory. Anyway, Brian and I are at the Best Western for Earth Day and plan to hopefully get to St. Cloud in the early afternoon on Friday. I will not eat jalapenos at the mexican restaurant the night before like last year. Eventhough the Best Western is close, it was way to far to get back to after the race(and jalapenos)last year! Heed my warning.
Who is running in the am this week and which days? It would be nice to get a group together on Wed. for the 8 miler.
Hope you all had a great Easter!!!



Leah Swedboston said...

Hey J....hopefully you will check into the other blogs that have been started ;) Y, Wed. 5:00am 8 miles. ;) C u there?

Jen Jones-Dees said...

I'll try to be there!!!