Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mark's Gift

Mark's gift has been delivered to his office. Here's what I bought:
$20 to the DBRC
2 pairs of running socks
4 gaterades
2 Clif Bars
5 Gels...two were PINK just for us ;)
Body Glide
Sausage shoelaces (they're new....the don't untie as easily when you are running)

I decided to put it all pretty in an Adidas Shoebox. Has all kinds of tissue paper sticking out of it. Janie made a really nice card that had our names in it. And I wrapped it up with that clear cellophane stuff like a fruit basket or something. Rollie commented on how "fun" it looked...and I think if a guy says that...then it must be okay;)


Kim said...

Thanks so much Leah. It sounds awesome....I am sure he will appreciate it....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Leah. He'll be very touched and impressed by the very creative gift.
Go Mark Go!!!!!

Benita said...

Great job, Leah! I'm really proud to be associated with such a thoughtful bunch!!

Jill G said...

Great Job Leah. Again, Thanks!

Jen Jones-Dees said...

Sounds like it was terrific, Leah! Thanks for putting it all together! Glad you added Pink gels...(insert witty comment about Pink miles). Thanks for the great run this am--you got your $$$, right?

Leah Swedboston said...

hey my money, honey. thanks. Okay, pink gels, pink miles....frickin hillarious!

I talked to mark today about some marathon stuff.....he did get the package...was overly appreciative and said it was unnecessary, etc, etc. but did mention taht everyone kept stopping by to ask who he got his shoe box from...and he was proud to say a large group of runners he trains and runs with. He said he'd be writing to us all soon...but didn't have everyones email addresses at his office. thanks everyone for participating!

Benita said...

I got Mark's thank you email today and was surprised at how much he shared with us. I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to admit he isn't helping us runners as much as he wants to, or that he didn't train like he wanted.

It's evident that he was really touched by our gesture. Thanks again, Leah, so much for organizing it!

Sue R said...

Thanks Leah for taking care of getting Mark's gift to him....what a great idea! I got the e-mail from him this morning and it sounds like he really liked it...Wish we all could be there to cheer him on!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Leah! You have a creative side that really shines!! Got the email from Mark.... looks like the gift was a hit :)