Sunday, April 15, 2007

The "Young Pups" Running Schedule 4-16

Heidi and I will be going out Wednesday morning from the YMCA at 5:00am for 8 miles. Who shoudl we expect to see in the parking lot?


Anonymous said...


If I don't get my 8 in tomorrow, I may join you and Heidi; I know I will see mostly your backsides, but it will be good for me to challenge myself.

Lady G

Jen Jones-Dees said...

I will be there. Should we do the same route as last week???
Had another question for you--are you doing your Yasso's this week, or are you saving for next week???
I think I am going to do mine, but on Tues. am instead of Thurs. Let me know what your thoughts are.

Leah Swedboston said...

yeah, I think we should go with the same route as last week.

I am not doing any speedwork this week....because I plan to do it on Saturday...on the race course ;)