So many stories to share...and just not enough space on this blog....
We had an awesome time on the route from Wisconsin to Minnesota. Our finishing time was 32 hours and 23 minutes. We brought home third place in the women's category and were voted by our fellow racers for the Homecoming Spirit Award!!!!! We had a blast! When we went to the starting line....we had people staring at us and taking our pictures.....during the race, teams would catch up to us and tell us they were just waiting for the time they would catch up to meet the W.H.O.Rs! We entered almost every exchange station with music blasting from the Tahoe and Durango, blaring a fog horn with brightly colored wigs, crazy sunglasses and a lot of commotion. Our goal was to stir it up....and that we did!
We met some really great people and some of the WHORs reunited with old friends from years ago. The Faster Pastors were a great group of men who we ran with the majority of the race as an ultra team (6 men). They took fondly to our humor during the race!
We had only minor mishaps during the route..... a few people sick from dehydration, a last minute race re-route that turned Jen's last 4.4 mile run into a terribly long and unannounced 7.1 miles and some bad driving directions provided by Ragnar. But Jen and Leslie were SUPERSTARS and TORE up the hills! Jane is a superhero and runs faster than she claims....she hovers at a 8:00 minute mile or less. The majority of the team enjoy the night runs the best...and almost all of us had our best times during the evening hours.
What else do you Relay Ladies want to share?
What else do our readers want to know?
We saw your team start - I loved how the announcer mentioned how appropriate it was that you were starting with the Faster Pastors and Team CROSS :-)
Robin was an amazing finisher! She strategically added a few miles to her route so Van one could be there as she finished. Actually, we both got lost, but it did make for a dramatic finish!
It was an amazing experience, and I'm so glad we did it! Thanks, Leah for posting these pictures. I can't wait to see more!
I got goosebumps viewing the pictures and reading the message. I thought about all of you often this weekend. 3rd place:-) You WHOR's rock!!! Thanks for making those of us at home, so proud of you!!!
I think I was chasing your runner #2 (and pacer on cycle) up that HUGE hill in the night on leg 14. I kept getting slightly closer and closer but when we got over the top you left me in the dust and there was no chance to catch up. Great job!
team: Only 275,000 footsteps to go
Way to Represent W.H.O.R.s!! Your pics are great and can't wait to see more. I am also very anxious to hear some more stories! We need to do a Luna Wine Bar nite again!
Party Whor has it,
We need Luna Bar again; I need details...Leah, any butt chafe this time? Who dehydrated, who drove the vans, who slept, who didn't, how does Dr. J run in flip flops...way to go WHORS!
Lady G
sad update for our fans :( I got a call from Ragnar today.... they wanted us to know that we were de-throned of our third place victory due a timing miscalculation on thier end :( We are now proud owners of the 4th place title.
Barb...no butt chafe....more like diaper rash from sitting in the same clothes for 24 hours! TMI!!! I know! I know! Wait till you hear the real good stories! Candace, Krista and Melinda dehydrated but made some nice comebacks after some yacking up thier stomaches... Most everyone took turns driving...and getting lost. I think everyone slept, though some more than others depending on when and where they slept. And as you can tell from the comment from our stranger friend MH.....Jen was a SUPERSTAR!!! And thus her uncanny ability to run with flip flops :)
Congratulations all of you!!! I am anxious to hear more about it. You are all amazing.!!!
Thanks for all the "chatter".... it almost makes me feel like I was there. I agree.... Luna sometime to hear real live stories?? 3rd place... 4th place...don't matter! YOU GIRLS MAKE US PROUD!
Holy Crap did we have fun! There are too many fun memories to list. Thanks to all who participated adn to Leah for the whole idea and organization--I truly had one of the best times of my life.
Butt chafe, extra miles and hershey squirts aside, I'd be there tomorrow if we could do it again.
Brian is VERY jealous--I told him to get a Men's team together for next year--I heard a rumor that Greg (fm DBRC) might be interested in putting a men's team together as well?????
ANYWAY--looking forward to the slide show and post party!!!! Cuz I'm BOSSY!!!!!!!
I hear that DBRC is putting together a team for next year as well. rest assured, I have already asked Greg to be our sponsor again next year....I will lock him into that on Thursday when I work with him ;) Rollie is super jealous too. For those of you who don't know, Rollie came out for the last part of the race to cheer and watch and support. He's already got his buddies on notice for next year. jen, maybe Brian and Rollie should join forces:)
yes, there will be a post race party....where we will have a slide show presentation and video :) date and time is pending...on the creation of the video!
For Jen... I hope you knew our last leg went from 4.4 to 7.1 before you started. I was lucky and found out at the Stillwater bridge. I was about 1.5 miles into the third leg when a young fast guy started to pass me fast. I asked him if he knew the leg was 7.1. He thought I was kidding. When I convinced him I wasn't, he slowed down a bit and ran with me for the rest of the leg. He, like many others, were running it like it was a 4-miler (that never ended). I would have thought someone would have told us at the start of that leg. Nobody told me then. I'm happy I found out earlier.
Ok.... I'll step away from your blog now and maybe will get to meet some of your team next year. I'm going to be runner #2 again.
I had NO CLUE!!! In fact, I passed someone, who asked me how much we had left and I confidantly said 1.5 miles!!! Yeah, I blew it out of the exchange station and found out at just about .2 miles from where we were supposed to be done that there was considerable mileage to finish. I had a few choice words to say---Leah captured them well on film ;).
I too, have a little fondness for my #2 runner spot---Leah, can I call runner #2 for next year???? Can't wait to see ya at the starting gate next year, Mark!! We'll be the girls in pink with the perty teeth!!!!
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