I have great news! Extreme Pita is offering Women High on Running, not Relay WHORs but ALL WHORs, an AWESOME opportunity to make a difference. As many of you know Extreme Pita (EP) is one of the top sponsors for this years Great River Relay Team. Troy, the owner, had read about us in the paper earlier this spring and fortunately, Leslie is one of his best customers, catering food for her events. When approached about a sponsorship, Troy didn't even bat an eye and said "YES" with great enthusiasm.
EP called back today with a FANTASTIC idea...and we'd like to take it one step futher! During the month of JULY, anyone (us, our family, friends, co-workers...ANYONE) who eats at EP should save their reciepts and turn them into YOU. (reciepts can then be turned into me). At the end of JULY, Troy will tally the receipts and the WHORs will recieve 10% of the total.
What WE would then like to do is take half of that money and donate it to a charity of our choice. We are such an influencial and positive group of women. I believe we, together, have made differences in many lives...not just our own. But this is our chance to contribute even more...to be something even bigger, even GREATER. this is our chance to MAKE A DENT, maybe to CHANGE someone's life. Please join me with enthusiasm in this effort!
So two things ladies:
1) start spreading the word!!!! I have an email set to go out tonight to 98 people (of which none of you are recipients...though I might make you one, so you can copy and paste my email if you like it). Encourage your co-workers to go out to a group lunch. EP Delivers too! i can honestly say it's one of my favorite "fast food" places to eat. spread the word, collect reciepts!
2) POST a charity you think is fitting for the WHORs. I'd think we'd want to focus on women or children....but anything is an option. So please post here. On MONDAY next week, I will put the charities to a vote and have one designated by Wednesday. (that way we can have a charity to tell people about!)
So....spread the word, save reciepts and POST a charity if you have one in mind!
a good reminder! EP Delivers too! Just save THE RECEIPTS!
(i don't even know if I am spelling reciept correctly!)
This is my idea for a "charity". With the new school year coming up (sad but true), I think it would be a great idea if we were to adopt a low income school and help pay for school supplies and milk breaks. Without doing a lot of research, I believe that the United Way is gearing up for a school supply drive, and I know in the past our church has had the Sunday School Kids raise money for the "Got No Milk" program. I believe there is something called the Fargo Schools Foundation that I need to look into that works with these programs??? My computer is so dang slow Im getting frustrated trying to look these things up.
I love the idea....I was actually thinking that this might be a good way to "sell" to our potential sponsors.....Kid issues are "sexy" to the public....THat being said, I would love to put a plug in for one of the programs that I am a part of at Hospice...I work in the bereavement part of HRRV, we offer our Youth Journeys program 2x's a year to kids/teen age 6-18 who have had a loss. We don't charge for the porgram and offer it to the community. We also offer many programs in the area school. My program is funded by the United Way, but it never covers everything we do.....
Just a plug for the Hospice kids, I am open to anything we all choose....I just really LOVE the idea of giving back to the community we live in!!!
Awesome news Leah! Follow up to Heidi's post: the 10th annual United Way School Supply Drive kicked off on Tuesday. West Acres is a drop off site for supplies, and we've been involved in the program for many years (Scheels is a sponsor as well). 6,000 kids in Cass/Clay counties are in need of school supplies.
Also, the "Got No Milk" program (Fargo Public Schools Foundation) ensures that 1,000 needy kids get their milk break at school (cost $70/child/yr.). Both are great programs helping children in need. Hospice is also near and dear to my heart, as as the YWCA shelter.
I think all of the ideas for a charity are fantastic and all of them would be great. I'll just throw out one more idea. My idea for a charity/non-profit would be the Girls on the Run organization. I think it would be a nice fit with our group of strong and powerful women! For those of you unfamiliar with Girls on the Run, it is an organization that not only focuses on health and fitness for preteen girls, but also the self-esteem and other issues faced by young girls today. The local chapter is spearheaded by Shelly Connelly at the YMCA. They started with a small program last year at one school and will be branching out to 14 schools this fall! It's an after-school type program for girls ages 8-13. As a store (DBRC), we've been talking to Shelly about how we can help. I'll just pass along the info. There are two ways to help. First, of course, there is financial help. One really cool way we could help would be to set up scholarships in the name of WHORs that would allow girls to attend the program who would otherwise be unable to financially. However, there are so many charities worthy of these funds, so if we decide not to do that, I just wanted to mention that they are also in serious need of volunteers. They are looking for coaches (must be female) and assistants (I believe male or female) to lead the program at each school. It would consist of leading a lesson/discussion on different issues pertaining to self-esteem, etc... and going running with the group. Their goal is for the girls to run a 5K at the end of the program. I have a friend whose daughter completed the program last year, and she loved it so much that she's thinking of doing it again. My friend raved most of all about what it did for her daughter's confidence and anxiety issues. Pretty cool. If anyone is interested or just wants more info on volunteering, please let me know, and I'll get you hooked up!! Thanks!
Here is my proposal. Since EP is being SOOOO generous, how about we give the total 10% to a charity? I have always wanted to give back to the community through my running. I feel so blessed to be able to run. Just thinking that the more we can give the bigger impact it could make.
I LOVE the idea of donating the full 10% back to a charity. With all of the generous supporters thus far, I think we will have minimal to no expenses with or without the 5%. I also want to say I LOVE Stephanie's idea of supporting the Girls on the Run program (read future WHORs).
I agree with Kim but I always agree with Kim as I want to be just like her when I grow up but with bigger boobs.
you two (ann and kim) crack me up!
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