Kim was the flashiest whor winning the best dressed prize. The whor offspring looked absolutely adorable in their pink bling as well. I seriously think we should have had a prize for Nicole's belly button! That rocks, girl! And a shout out to those whors who represented by beating the heat and running the race, Barb, Donna, Georgia and Marilyn! Way to go girls!
thanks for the post and the pic Diane! What a fun night! thank you to everyone who came....especially Tracy Clow and Nicole, who volunteered out of the sheer kindness of their hearts (and love of the whors, I am sure!) Everyone was awesome. Dick Beardsley came up to me and someone else at the end of the race and said he could hear us from a few blocks away...and others said we were the highlight of the race itself. (probably moreso the water!!) But way to represent!
I think that our Junior Whors deserve some huge thanks too. So moms...remind them that we couldn't have done it withouth thier help last night! next time I will have some junior best dressed prizes as well!
Thanks again everyone for coming and helping out. Hope you had fun! and CONGRATULATIONS to the four of you who ran. I'd call you crazy...but I can't....since we will all be crazy heat runners in the next couple of weeks!
Thanks Leah. I had fun hanging with y'all. Congrats to the hot WHORs that ran the race - you are my heroes! I'm looking forward to running with you all again soon...breaking in my orthotics now. It's been a long time, although it is always fun cheering you on at the races!
Tracy C
I had a blast, it was nice to hang with the gang again!! Diane, next time I'm going to get some bling for my outie!! Oh, that's right I'm hoping the next time you all see me I won't have an outie anymore!!!
Good Luck in WI!!!!
Looks like I missed a great race! I miss you guys! Come see me @ Foot Solutions. I just put up some photos Marilyn took of the GRR Relay teams.
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