Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thank You!

Hey WHOR's,
Thanks for all the nice emails on my engagement. Love to share the happy news with fellow runners/good friends. Again, sorry for the no-show this morning. I have the hardest time getting out of bed to run when it's dark & cold! I haven't run since last Wednesday and I'm not caring about it so much. Guilt guilt guilt guilt...I promise I'll be present on Saturday, then you can tell me the story of how you all got your nicknames.
Regarding the pink miles...isn't that why you chose pink as the official WHOR color?
I'm a new blogger too...this is my first post.



Anonymous said...

I too struggle with the cold and dark. But I do have to say, it's nice to get the run out of the way for the day. All day at work I keep thinking, "I have to go to the Y to do my run." And then I rmember that it's done!

I say just start fresh on Saturday and don't worry about the missed run. I did that last week --skipped a five miler and felt so guilty. But I felt really good on the 18-miler and figured that balanced it out. You'll still make it through the race!

And all the exciting happenings in your life count as cross training miles.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, that last comment was from me. (Melinda)

Anonymous said...

can someone please tell me how I am supposed to go about starting a NEW a new subject, etc. I have looked all over!!! I'm an idiot, I guess.

Anonymous said...

You want to know how we got our nicknames, Tracy, but I'm thinking you're earning a nickname with your "pink miles" thing....Maybe we should just call you PINK or Honeymoon or somthing...

Help me out, ladies- we can't let this one go...

Anonymous said...

PS- that last coment was from me- Madame B!

Anonymous said...
