Wednesday, May 16, 2007

PreRace Meeting

Are we all planning to meet before the race on Saturday? I know those of us that are running with a pace group have to meet with them a half hour or so I believe. I think all of you met by the womens' bathroom (where we were on Saturday) last year. Just wondering.....

Heidi ho


Benita said...

We talked about meeting in the same spot- in front of the ladies room, but not what time.

Who is following a pacer? I hadn't thought about it...

ann said...

I will be hanging out with my son who is running the half without any training what so ever....if I happen to be around on one of my 4000 trips to the bathroom before the race, I'll jump in the anyone else out there a mess?????

Leah Swedboston said...

Should we just say taht at 7:15AM on Saturday...we are taking a picture near the women's bathroom...but closer to the Coat Check Area/Window in the main lobby of the Dome (NORTH SIDE) By 7:30 I want my head to be wrapped up in the race...not pics.

Anonymous said...

7:15am on North side of Dome for pics. Ann, yes I'm a mess. Sobbing yesterday over wedding crap and pre-race tension. And no pink miles since df is still certifying & marking the courses. Feeling much better today :-)

Kim said...

Sorry, I don't want to even think about pictures, I will be too busy joining Ann in the bathroom. So if I am not there, take them without me. I am excited!!!!! Maybe we could take pictures in the bathroom stalls.

Leah Swedboston said...

I'll be the first to take a picture of kim in the stalls!!!!

Sheri-Sweet Spot said...

I am a wreck!!! Monday night we had a track meet, Tuesday night we had a scholarship banquet for Amanda, last night was bacccalaureate, and tonight is senior awards night. Between activities I have been trying to gradaution items, train and maybe get some sleep. 2 days ago I started coughing and this morning I am still coughing and my noise is running:-( Hopefully this will not turn into a full fledge cold, and advise.
I am thinking the run Saturday will be relaxing:-) I AM convicning myself I am ready to run come rain, shine, wind or a cold.

Jen Jones-Dees said...

Tracy--just grab him and get some pink miles--it'll do your stress some good. I AM getting nervous but will meet at 7:15 for a photo. Hopefully all of the going to the bathroom pics will be of Kim in the stall and not of WHORs taking pit stops on the streets--eeek! you never know what a little adrenaline will do. I am not even going to smell a Jalapeno for the rest of the week in an effort to prevent my personal problems!!! PFFFTTTTTT....see you all at the expo!!!

GiGi said...

I will see all of you at 7:15