Sunday, December 2, 2007

Whors Jingle the Bells!

The WHORS brought in the holiday season with bells on at the Jingle Bell Run on Saturday. Kathleen captured Santa's magic and was absolutely glowing in her jolly red suit. Ann (where are you?) brought all the antlers that topped off our pink winter wear.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tales of Detroit!!

Hey Ladies!!

I can't thank you all enough for your texts, phone messages, airport receptions, yard forkings, etc!! I TRULY had an awesome arrival home!!! More COWBELL, Please!!!

I was pumped the minute I arrived in Detroit--I was sooo ready for this race, as many of you knew. The expo was awesome and we even ran into Dick Beardsley there. Didn't chase him, though!! The Hanson Brothers had their runners selling stuff from the store at the expo, so we met many of the group at the expo. They had posters there of the runners and they were willing to autograph them--I got quite a few to sign the poster--now I hope they all qualify for the olympics next month--it'll make that poster even cooler!!!

So, the race. Wow!!! A big race is sooo different. The corrals, the intimidation, the excitement!! The gun blew and off we went. About a mile in, I realized that my Garmin did not catch the satellites. All I had was a stop watch and a pace band. I wasn't horribly worried--I had planned to stay "in the pacers back pocket" for the race anyway. I nearly missed the first water stop because I didn't see it--that crowd stuff is hard for a North Dakota girl!!!

Here's where it gets fun!! I felt the urge to pee at about mile 7--I had gained about a minute on the pacer at that time (all that Pelican Lake and Fargo Ramp training had me smokin' up that Ambassador Bridge!) Anyway, I was going to wait for a open port-a potty so as not to compromise my time.....ha! ha!

Many of you who know me well, know that I have had "pee issues" in the past. I hadn't had any problems this training season, oddly enough. HOWEVER, at about the mile 9 water stop I glugged down my obligatory fluid and like an act of god, peed as I swallowed. I honestly had no intention or control over it!! This happened for the next few water stops and wouldn't you know--I no longer needed that porta-potty. I felt very glad that it was a little windy, that I had a black skirt on and that I had applied TONS of body glide to my smokin' hot (& now wet) thighs!!!

I am writing that off as God just plain old takin' care of Wabbit!!! (Brian & I decided that I was pretending to be a Kenyan--because that must be what they do when they have to go......or at least we'll keep on believing that!!!)

The course was flat, and it was fast. Before I knew it, we were back downtown and done with the first half. The Windsor Tunnel was hot and humid, and it felt great to get back out into the fresh air and cool breeze. We headed of to Belle Isle, then, which is where I had my one and only down moment. It lasted about 200 yards...Bossy then popped onto my ipod (which seemed like it was playing in slow, slow motion) and I was right back up.

At mile 22 Brian caught up to me and tapped me on the shoulder--he said "go wabbit, go!!" I knew he was having a tough race. About a half mile later he caught me again, asked how I was doing--he said I looked determined and was gritting my teeth!! I was at that point where I knew I was going to "get her done" and let him know that it was all about finishing.

My original intention was to stay with the pacer until 22 and then break away depending on how I felt--I stuck with him until 25 and then broke away. My pacer's name was George. I took George's name in vain a lot that day. I would see George's little pace sign in my peripheral vision and could only say "Dammit, George!!" George was a good pacer with a runny nose and a Farmer Blowing problem, like our good friend, Kathleen, but George took me home, and for George, I am now glad. But I will forever say, "Dammit, George!!!!"

As you all know, I crossed the finish line at 3:44:24--about 2 minutes faster than my Fargo time. If you go to you can see the video of me crossing--just click the box by my finish interval and you can watch me come across.

I want you all to know that you were ALL there with me that day. There wasn't one of you that I didn't talk to or think about. Several of you I talked out loud to--:)

I need to say "Thanks" again for all that you have done for me. This Boston finish is because all of you believed in me and helped me push myself through the training. It is for the miles you have put in with me and the for the sweat and pain that you endured. What I have done in 1 year blows my mind. I would have laughed at you had someone told me this would happen a year ago. I couldn't have done it alone.

Believe in yourselves, ladies!!! We have an awesome thing going here---I am sooo proud to know you and to have you as friends! Thanks again--and now, off to BEANTOWN!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dr. J is on her way to Boston!!

Dr. J's chip time today was 3:44:24,so she qualified for Boston. I noticed Brian was just 30 seconds behind her, so they must have run most of the way together.

Way to go Dr. J.!!!!!!!

Don't know the weather, but Jen had said it was supposed to be optimal when I talked to her last week.

Damn, you whors are fast!!!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

One WHORiffic Experience!!!

Kim, Diane, Sheri and I appreciate all of your well wishes and support through this experience! It is so nice to know you were tracking us and concerned about us. Sorry it took me awhile to update you, but this is the first chance I've had to get on the computer.

Most importantly, we all enjoyed our experience, none of us have any regrets about going or our performance. The people of Chicago treated us amazingly well, even as the race organizers abandoned us. There is so much to tell, but I'm just going to give a brief summary, or I'll never get this posted!

Race Day:

Up at 5 AM, ready and waliking to the start at 5:45 AM (about a 1.5 mile walk).
In the Trophy Tent by 6:20 or so (we paid $75 each to go to a separate area with food, gear check, and port-a-potties away from the mob). We ate a little and filled up our fuel belts.

7:30 AM we were at the starting line near the 4:45 pace group. Had a lot of fun reading people's shirts, seeing the costumes (one guy wore a testicle suit- no, I'm not kidding!), and chatting with our neighbors.

8:00 AM- heard the national anthem and the race started- it took us over 20 minutes to cross the starting line- we shuffled/jogged across the line and for the first mile or so until it thinned out a bit. It never thinned out enough for you to be comfortable holding your own pace- you were always passing or being passed.

Diane forged ahead, Sheri and I held to our run ten minute, walk one minute plan, and Kim settled in with the 5:30 pace group and got into a comfortable pace of running 3 minutes walking for 2 minutes. She felt good with that group and was sure she could have finished the race with them if allowed.

There was no water or gatorade available for the first six miles!!! ALL OF US CARRIED OUR FUEL BELTS, which saved us, and I do mean literally SAVED us! All of us made detours to public fountians in the park we passed to dunk our hats in water and cool down. They may have had water at the aid stations, but they could not fill cups fast enough to meet the demands of all the runners (and 10,000 runners didn't show up)!

The heat really started to get to all of us, Sheri especially around mile 12. When we detoured so I could use the restroom, she was dehydrated and unable to go. Her hands and face were tingling and I was scared for her. We abandoned our 10/1 plan, were able to rehydrate at an aid station that FINALLY had gatorade, and walked until she felt well enough to switch to a 5/1 running plan.

About mile 15 we heard roumors of the race closing. We didn't know what this meant, thought it was becasue we were slow and they were cutting off the back of the pack, but we knew our pace was within the alotted race time, so were very confused. The police and volunteers didn't have any information, either. We were told that we were going to be redirected at mile 16. Sheri and I sprinted to mile 16 so we would get there before they cut us off, and made it. Then we heard they were cutting people off again around mile 18. When we got there, a confused volunteer and fireman were trying to divert people, but we ignored the cut off and continued on the regular race route. No one knew what was going on- if we were going to get counted as a DNF, if we were going to be allowed to get a medal, nothing. We heard that they were bussing people to the finish line, but Sheri and I never had the opportunity to get on a bus even if we wanted to (which we didn't). From mile 16 on, we were told that the race had been turned into a "fun run"-whatever the heck that means-and we were also told to walk. Diane heard police threatening to forcibly remove people who were running from the course.

Diane started walking from about mile 20, Sheri and I from mile 16. Kim was diverted from the course at about mile 18, and walked to the finish where she was able to cross the finish line and get her medal. Hence, her Boston qualifying time of 4:03, and Diane, Sheri, and my less spectacular finish times of over 5 hours.

Even while we were walking, there were spectators all along the course. They started taking the aid stations down immediately after the race was called, so when Diane, Sheri, and I were walking for over 2 hours, we had no official race support. At times we did get watered down gatorade, and sometimes water taken from the open fire hydrants that were spraying runners along the course. The best support we got was from the people of Chicago who bought water and ice on their own and handed it out to us as we passed. Their support was inspiring. Sheri and I greeted a lot of the spectators we passed, high fived the kids, thanked the adults, danced with the dragons in China town, cheered with the cheerleaders, and just enjoyed the whole experience. Sheri had her name on the front of her shirt and was very popular among the spectators!

Sheri, by the way, is a very fast walker. I had a bit of trouble keeping up with her! We passed more people walking than I have ever passed in a race in my whole life. I will always remember Chicago as being the race where I left people in the dust behind me!

We finished the race running and holding hands 6 hours and 7 minutes after we crossed the starting line.

Kim was in the trophy tent relaxing and getting a massage when we came in, Diane was stripping in front of the wait staff putting dry pants on, and Sheri immediately got in line for a massage. We recovered in the tent until they kicked us out (it closed at 3).

Then, we wlked the 1.5 miles back to the hotel (not a cab to be had in the city). We went to the pool and recovered in the cool water and revived with a shower. Then we dressed to the teeth, went out to P.F. Chang's for a post race celebratory dinner, laughed at all the runners who were there that couldn't walk without a limp- Kim was particulary amused by my post-race gimp, pretty ironic coming from her with her broken clutch, but whatever. I have blisters on the soles of my feet from the ordeal that made it very hard to walk, but otherwise I'm fine.

Our trip home was long, flights cancelled and delayed, luggage lost and recovered, but we made it home in time for me to see my daughter perform in her first choir concert of the year, so all's well.

I'll leave it to Sheri, Kim, and Diane, to post more of their experiences. Diane will have to tell you about her "penis finger" experience, Kim can elaborate on our Segway tour, and Sheri will have to post some of her photos.

Thanks to all of you for your support!!


Sunday, October 7, 2007

THEY' OFF..............

Morning Whors,

Off to Church but wanted to let everyone know, the girls are off.....probably waiting to cross the start line. The weather looks WHORrendous. It is already in the 70's...and high humidity. Lets all pray for our WHORS...

I'll bring updates after Church.........

Rock on Whors,


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bed Time for Sweet Spot!

Hi all!
Sweet Spot (Sheri Paulson) is home on bed rest suffering with cellulitis. She doesn't have easy access to the web or email, so she asked me to pass the word along. She is seriously disappointed, especially with Chicago coming up so soon, but remains optimistic that she will recover enough to run, or at the very least go and cheer us on.

The condition started with what looked like a pimple, and quickly progressed to serious swelling and pain. She is on antibiotics along with bed rest. Cellulitis can be very serious, but it appears that Sheri caught it in time to prevent spreading. If you want to read more about it, you can check out:

The medication Sheri is on to keep her MS under control affects her immune system, which, unfortunately leaves her susceptible to these odd infections.

All prayers, positive energy, healing thoughts, ect. would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Anybody out there?

Hello Everyone,
The blog and emails are so quiet!!! Just wondering if anyone else plans to do Bridge to Bridge. I hopefully am, depending on some childcare issues.
Also, my 4:30 a.m. running partner decided that it is too early for her to get up since she can't go back to bed anymore with school for her kids, so I am back to evening runs, which are not happening very often! Which I am bumbed about :(
Hope everyone is doing well!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Need Help: DVR

hi guys, i know this is a strange post, but I am at home and I dont' have everyone's email addresses here with me...or rather, I am too lazy to type them all in. So on that note, I need to transfer about 15 minutes of VHS to a DVD. Does anyone have a DVR? I should have had my sister do this for me this weekend....but completely forgot. I am frantic to get things ready for Rollie's bday.
let me know. thanks.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Who's got the Runs this Week?

Hey all! My plan this week is to run 5 tomorrow from Y West at 7:00 am, 6 on Wednesday from Y West at 5:30 am, and 4 on Thursday from Y West again at 7:00 am. I would love to have some company on Saturday for a 22 mile run. The course from Y West to the Y downtown is a good one.....I'm open to starting as early as 5:30 that morning. Let me know who's up for some distance?!?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Beardsley Results? Anyone?

The gun goes off and the rain litterally begins to fall. And not just a mist, certainly not a down pour, but enough to be soaked after the first mile. And it lasted the WHOLE WAY....all 3.1 or 13.1 miles. So, I didn't stick around long after crossing the finish line. I was FROZEN!!! I waited only minutes to watch a few of you cross....and quickly realized that my fingers were turning white and the foil was no longer doing its job of keeping me warm. All it was doing was preventing water from hitting my shoulders...and rolling it down to my legs. Speaking of my legs, sloshing through the packed gravel/MUD was a trocious on my legs; not to mention I think I ruined my shoes.

I did however have a great race. I didn't train well, and Diane kicked my A** around on the streets with sub-9:00s earlier in the week so I thought for sure I had destroyed my race. But, to my surprise, I ran a 1:59 and change. Not my best (but close) and definately not my worst! (I dont' know what the chip time was...I didn't stick around because again, I was FROZEN.) How did everyone else do?!?!?!? My inquiring mind wants to know!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Birthday RUNS.......and fun!

Sunday is Ann's birthday and next Thursday is Diane's. Ann is at the lakes with a bunch of relatives, so let's combine their Birthday run. Thursday morning 5:30 downtown Y. It is also time to party (there is more in life than running) let's meet at the HO-DO at 6:45 on Thursday (the 6th) for drinks and chatter. Hopefully it will be a nice night and we can go up on the roof......

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Great River Relay...HUGE SUCCESS!

So many stories to share...and just not enough space on this blog....

We had an awesome time on the route from Wisconsin to Minnesota. Our finishing time was 32 hours and 23 minutes. We brought home third place in the women's category and were voted by our fellow racers for the Homecoming Spirit Award!!!!! We had a blast! When we went to the starting line....we had people staring at us and taking our pictures.....during the race, teams would catch up to us and tell us they were just waiting for the time they would catch up to meet the W.H.O.Rs! We entered almost every exchange station with music blasting from the Tahoe and Durango, blaring a fog horn with brightly colored wigs, crazy sunglasses and a lot of commotion. Our goal was to stir it up....and that we did!
We met some really great people and some of the WHORs reunited with old friends from years ago. The Faster Pastors were a great group of men who we ran with the majority of the race as an ultra team (6 men). They took fondly to our humor during the race!
We had only minor mishaps during the route..... a few people sick from dehydration, a last minute race re-route that turned Jen's last 4.4 mile run into a terribly long and unannounced 7.1 miles and some bad driving directions provided by Ragnar. But Jen and Leslie were SUPERSTARS and TORE up the hills! Jane is a superhero and runs faster than she claims....she hovers at a 8:00 minute mile or less. The majority of the team enjoy the night runs the best...and almost all of us had our best times during the evening hours.
What else do you Relay Ladies want to share?
What else do our readers want to know?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Beardsley DL Run 9/8

Who all is running Beardsley this year?

Is anyone up for a girl's weekend after? I'd be willing to open up my place (about an hour from DL between Park Rapids/Walker) for a very casual pot luck/BYOB overnight.

Hopefully, we'll be ready to share some GRR W.H.O.R. pictures by then. :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Great River Relay Here We Come!

Some updates for you all!
We are PUMPED to make the trek to La Crosse this Thursday, August 23rd! Our team of twelve includes myself, Heidi, Jen, Benita, Krista, Jane, Candace, Jill Thompson, Nicole Kungle, Robin Quade and Melinda. We are spending the night at the Holiday Inn in La Crosee and have an Estimated Start Time on Friday morning at 8:00am. Krista is leading us out on the first leg! So far, the weather is predicted to be low 80s with a possiblity of showers. Pray for overcast...and no rain! We have our shirts ready....cute as can be....and we'll be all dolled up in glitter eyeshadow and makeup and red hot lipstick. We are really going to WHOR it up out there. We'll be pushing our panties (not new ones) onto the boys who pass us....or we pass....and a few of them might actually get lei-d by a WHOR or two! :) We won't be winning the race with any stellar times so wish us luck as we go out there and represent you all, the DBRC and Fargo-Moorhead. The goal is to bring home a medal for you all! (yes Kathleen, they have medals at this event!)

Lastly, if any of you WANT text message updates....let us know. Maybe post your number here if I dont' already have it. But even if I do have your cell number, you should probably let me know if you want me to chew up your text messages with our updates. OH! And I THINK I am going to bring my computer we'll try to post some pics and updates here as well!

Wish us luck!

Friday, August 17, 2007


My run this morning was awsome! The weather was perfect- 50 degrees, little humidity, and we had so much support. Kim, Diane, and I ran 20; Ann and Donna ran 12. It was so nice to have company for the majority of the run, since I have long given up running with the Boston qualifier and her expert pacer!

Barb surprised us on the course blasting the theme from Rocky in her car and snapping a few pictures. I really appreciated her support- it was so unexpected! We also saw Mike Almquist from RRR and the Fargo Marathon out running. He was doing 20 miles, also, and ran the same course we did, but started from the Downtown Y. He's always so friendly.

Diane struggled with stomach pains on the run- I hope you're feeling better soon!

For those of you doing your long run tomorrow-good luck & Have fun!


Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend Run

Hey Gals!
I am looking for some partners for a run this weekend. I have to stay in town cuz my sister is going to swing through town and pick me up to go camping. I want to do another 16 miler but am NOT looking for someone to run that distance with me if you can't. It would just be great to have a partner or two the first or last half....or both!

Anyone running in town this weekend?
Kim and Diane, what time are you starting your 20 miler on Friday?

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Fellow whors,

Since I seeem to be living vicariously thru your running this summer, I need DETAILS! How was the run yesterday around DL? I know it was raining early. Did Donna go down the slide like a big girl? And, most important, did you all go for breakfast at Perkins? And, if so what did you eat? The one problem with not running is I can't pig out all the time! Hate it!

Miss you all, but love hearing how your runs are going. Less than 2 months to Chicago and Detroit! Hope everyone is staying injury free! Dr. J, thanks again for the jogging stroller, both Eric and Anne are using it with Benson!

Details please,

Lady G

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Zorbaz Run

Is anyone planning on doing the run in DL on Saturday? We need to move Rachel from her apartment into the dorm that weekend. We may be doing it on Saturday or Sunday.
I am leaning for Sunday so I can do my run with some of you.
Keep me posted.
I will be in Bismarck the next couple of days for a CTE conference. Was hoping to see GI Jane while I was in town..... but the days are packed with meetings and networking (BUMMER!!!).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Saturday Run

I had originally planned on going out to Jen's for a run with her around her lake this weekend, but it looks like I will be going on there by my lonesome. So, I have changed plans and will be staying in town. Is anyone planning to run this Saturday, and if so, when and where and how far :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Little pussy.....

Any of you WHORs need a little kitty in your life? Apparently my neighbor at the lake has befriended a little stray kitty. Of course she calls me to see if I will take it. I already have 2 (I love kitty's) . Told her I would put word out. Approx 9 week old, girl, tan with striped tail and legs and very affectionate......

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Saturday Run and Coffee

Happy Hump Day and Birthday to Jen and my Libby's 1st!!!
Several of us are meeting this Saturday morning with the Red River Runners at the downtown Y at 6 am for a 6-7 mile run. Then we are meeting at Luna Coffee at 8:30. Our lovely WHOR GI Jane is going to be in town for coffee and possibly the run, pending her "date" plans.
Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Ladies, it's Jen Dee's Birthday tomorrow, Wednesday the 25th!!!
Birthday run at the Y West 5:30AM.
Be there or be Square!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Girls On The Run!

Exciting news! Girls on the run is up and running in Fargo! The website just launched-I put it in our list of favorites, so check it out.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

This Week's running Schedule

Hey girls,
Here's what I know is happening this week....fill in the blanks if there are other group runs planned from different locations and/or times.
Monday Morning: Y Downtown at 5:30 am, 4-5 miles = 1 lap around Island Park followed by a Parking Ramp, repeat.
Wednesday Morning: Y WEST, 5:30 am, 5-7 miles
Saturday Morning: Y Downtown, 7:00am.....I plan to be there....don't know what kind of mileage I will do yet.

Other runs? see you guys soon!!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

St. Urho and a WHOR!

I ran the St. Urho 10K in Menagha, MN this past weekend (this is where my sister's in-laws are from) and it was an interesting one. Approximately 2 1/2 miles of the run was a mowed grass/dirt path around the lake and about 1/4 mile of that was a single file path that wound through trees, up and down STEEP hills, where i was ducking under trees, tripping over branches and dodging deer droppings. I felt like I was on an obstacle course, not a race! It was some good cross-training and my legs and feet hurt from the surface I was not used to running on. It was a HOT one too! I did take 2nd in my age group (and got a metal!) although I do not know what my time was because when I asked the race director how I would find out, he told me if I didn't hear what they yelled to me when I crossed the finish line, I would have to wait until it was published in their local newspaper. So it was a bit different than what I am used to but plan on doing it again next year-heck it's worth a metal, maybe I can get 1st next year.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Saturday morning run

Hi ladies,
Just an invite/reminder that Red River Runners meets tomorrow (Saturday, July 7) at 6 a.m. at the downtown Y. Leah and I plan to be there for sure, so whoever is up for going please come! Leah plans to run 16 and I am shooting to run about six with her, possibly a little bit further but probably not much. I'm sure you guys probably saw Mark's e-mail that some are meeting at 5:30 to beat the heat, but Leah and I are shooting for 6 a.m. to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep before heading out.

I know many of you are out of town, but a couple (Benita, Candace, Krista?) were contemplating a Saturday run.... Tomorrow will be my inaugural "start running early in the morning again" run. Hooray! Hope to see you whoever can make it there!

Have a great Friday,

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

Hey ladies!
Hope everyone had a good 4th! The future Mrs. Clow, Krista, Benita, Donna, Donna's daughter and I (pluse some more folks I am probably forgetting to list!) had a hot but fun run at the MSUM 4th of July 10K yesterday.

I have to sheepishly admit the 10K was the first time I've run more than 5 miles since the marathon (I'm a pro at the 3-mile routes however), so the 10K was a great step at easing back into things. I've been looking at the 4th of July sort of as a second New Years --making a resoultion to up mileage now that it's July! And step it up I will so I'm ready for the Ragnar Relay with fellow WHORS at the end of August.

Some of you know this and some of you don't, so I'll throw it on the blog...just wanted to share that I've recently become engaged. :-) I'm getting married April 12, which should have me in all right wedding dress shape since I will be training for my second Fargo Marathon. I'm excited and Tracy Leverson (hey, it's the last day we can all write that name --tomorrow it will be Tracy Clow!) has already given me some good tips.

Hope to see you all at some runs soon since I've committed to getting back on the running bandwagon full swing.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Alberto Salazar

Alberto Salazar collapsed while coaching yesterday. He didn't have a heart attack, but they put a stent in and he's in serious condition. You can read about it in the sports section of the forum. (I tried to post a link, but I don't know how)

He's in great shape and only 48- It seems so odd that he's ill- we just saw him!

My heart goes out to him and his family- I wonder if there is any way we could send a card to let him know we're praying for a full, quick recovery- any ideas?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Finally Home!

Terry, Cassie, and I had a very nice vacation, but there truely is no place like home. I'm so happy to be back safe and sound. We had a wonderful time- everything went smoothly, Cassie helped with the driving and got a lot more comfortable behind the wheel.

I used the USATF website and ran in different cities along the way. I was so proud of myself!! The heat and humidity in the south were difficult obstacles to overcome. Also, "mostly flat" in Fargo means something very different in Savannah, Orlando, and Durham.

I'm hoping to get in on a group run this week. Is anyone running on Monday morning? How about the 4th of July race?

I can't wait to catch up on all the news- I was a bit confused by the thrift store posting- just what are we going to do with the underwear???

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hey all you relay girls.....Dr J. told me you were going with the whole WHOR theme. Wearing fishnets, handing out undies and such. Anyway, DBR (both locations) has a great deal on undies (I believe they are new). They have a couple big bins of every size and shape 50% off. The regular prices ranged from 60 cents to 2 bucks. Go get em!!!!

Kicking Ass....Taking Names ;)

Well, the Swedberg's Cleaned house at the Grafton Days fact the Lindsey's (my maiden name) did most of the house cleaning! I ran the 5K in 26:50... a PR! It was the HOTTEST race I have ever had to run! It was 80 degrees at the start and not a lick of air circulation. I placed 2nd in my age category (29 and under) which I was pumped about because my biggest competition were the 3 HS Cross Country girls that wererunning as well! I dont' know how many other women were in my age group....but a win is a win!!! Rollie placed FIRST in his age category....he came in at 23:23. And together, along with our priest in Grafton and one of my classmates father, we came in third place in the 2.5K relay! To add to it, Greta, my neice won the "People's Choice" award in the dog show. I think Greta won because she was doing such a great job of walking her dog around....and then halfway through, she decided to throw herself on the ground and have a tantrum. I thought it was adorable. my sister? Not so much!
The REUNION was fun. The first night was a blast, talking and catching up with people I haven't seen in a long time. This one gal, Heather Ditzer...was NOT popular in HS, was less than average and very quiet. It was so great to see her!!! You could tell she was completely comfortable in her own skin...but was a KNOCK OUT! And super postivite and friendly....had a lot to offer in bringing people together at the events..... Can't explain it, but was really impressed with how confident she was to be "heather ditzer".... Kinda like the country song "she don't know she's beautiful."
The second night....mmmmm....I could have taken it, or left it. People kind of reverted back to thier old selves....competing for attention, being great for this and that...reliving HS all over again....drama. Overall, I had a ton of fun, so I can't complain.
That's my update!

Friday, June 22, 2007

ACS/AHS Commercial

Amanda & I were in Fargo for appointments yesterday afternoon, so we decided to go over to Scheels and help with the commercial and run with the Scheels group. There were 10 runners on hand too shoot the commercial. I thought we would just be running and they would come along and tape us. However, they had us do specific things and even had 1 part where we spoke in unison. It took about 7 tries to get it right. It did not feel natural, so it should be interesting too see how it turns out.
Scheels was supposed to have runners for the commercial, however they did not feel it would be politically correct to take a stand on the "NO" smoking issue.

Lake run????

I thought it might be time to schedule a run around DL. Anyone else interested? What Saturday works?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chicago bound - Monday long run

Kim and I are planning to do our long runs on Mondays as we enter our 4th week of training for Chicago. Our theory behind this is we should be able to be well rested after the weekend! (What is my street name again?) Anyhow....we are meeting Kim Christianson (also Chicago bound) and Brenda Kerbaugh (hasn't decided on her fall marathon yet) on Monday at 5:30 at Courts. Yes ...that is early for us gerris so don't expect bushy tails or bright eyes! We will follow the course on the usatf site for 9 miles from Courts. Everyone is welcome! Kim and I are also planning on joining RRR Wed morning at Y bushy tails or bright eyes guaranteed. Have a good weekend everyone.....Good Luck on all the races, activities, etc!

WHORs and Dean Karnazes

Morning Ladies,
I wanted to let you know that I was contacted last night by a guy named Matt Fitzgerald. He is a runner and is helping Dean Karnazes write a book about his Endurance 50 that he did this fall. If you remember, Dean ran the Fargo Marathon route as part of his journey....Kim and Ann ran with him for much of the way. Matt found my email address through our blog....he's read every line....every thought....every joke.

At any rate, he wanted to know some details about our group to include in the book since Dean remembers running with Kim and Ann....and meeting a few of us at the finish line. Below is what I wrote. I hope you are all cool with it.

First, Kim....start at the bottom and read up.
>Second...Kim...did Ann run with you and Dean as well?
>Matt, Yes, you can call us "Whor" when referencing us individually.
>Use it as much as you can because this may be the one time that women
>allow you to call them that ;) It's all in fun.
>The WHORs were born a long time before the name ever came along. Our
>running group formed shortly after the 2005 Fargo Marathon as a way to stay
>connected and keep getting some long runs in through the summer. Prior to
>Fargo 2005 not a single one o f us had know each other. Running
>brought us together....and has kept us together. As Fargo 06
>approached, some of the experienced runners in our group took some new
>runners....or returning runners under our wings and begin establishing even greater relationships.
>Last summer, 06, we were running one Wednesday morning and wondered why
>we didn't have an official name for ourselves. We wanted something with
>meaning....but something that would also be short. Kim Skarphol laughed
>out loud and said "Ha! Women High on Runner Every Saturday!" The
>jokes started immediately. Kim being the oldest in the group was
>dubbed Lady Marmalade in charge of her brothel of women who could be
>spotted running the streets at early hours of the morning. The acronym
>for Women High on Running Every Saturday stuck for about a week until
>some of us started experiencing problems with our email, getting
>administrative warnings for explicit content. The jokes had gotten too
>deep to change the name, so it was instantly shortened to Women High on
>Running (WHORs.) Since then, we've had no email problems!!!
>Our group consists of about 18-20 women, all who met through running. I
>don't believe a single one of us knew each other prior to our running
>experiences. Well, that's not true. 95% of us did not know each other
>prior to running. We met through running, bonded through running, and
>are now an important piece of each other's lives. What's cool about
>our group is that there's such a range in ages, paces and experiences.
>We range from ages 24-55 and have paces from 11:00 miles to 7:00. Some
>women in our group just ran their first race this year....other's are
>working on multiple races at one time!
>We typically meet once a week (generally Saturdays)...sometimes twice a
>week to run a longer, early morning run. Sometimes we road trip 45
>miles away to run a 10 mile loop around a lake with hilly terrain. We
>get together at Christmas time and have a WHORnament Exchange. In late
>January, we traveled together to a cabin for a retreat weekend and run
>in the snowy, rolling hills of lakes country, MN. Following the 2007
>Marathon, we had a Post Marathon Party to celebrate our accomplishments
>at the local Country Club.
>Like most running groups you'll talk to....we are there for each other
>for more than just running. Some of us have gone through cancer scares
>and brain aneurism recovery...other's have had loved one ship off to Iraq.
>While some are having babies, other's are finding themselves separated
>in a new marriage. We share more than running together.....we support
>each other and share our lives.
>I think I could speak for the group to say that we are truly blessed to
>have one another. We are a strong willed group of women. We are
>family and we learn from each other. We are not an exclusive bunch, we
>look for other runners; men and women to connect with, mentor or learn
>Kim, you'll have to correct me if I am wrong on any of this
>information......or fill in some blanks if I missed some things. There's
>so much to be said about our group. Matt, you've read our blog....I am
>sure that you have read some real heartfelt sentiments from others...on
>what this group means to them. It's universal. Words simply cannot
>capture what we have together.
>Any questions Matt?

He then reponded.....

Wow. You just made my job a heck of a lot easier. I do have one question:
What is the importance of your group's being all women? In what ways do you feel it nourishes you that a coed group? might not?
As mentioned below, I'd love to hear about your run with Dean. If you're not quite the email powerhouse that Leah is, I'll be happy to call you!

To which I replied....

>Good question Matt. Kim, you'll have to help me with this one too.
>I suppose we are an exclusive group since we named ourselves "women"
>high on running. But we do run with men, especially during marathon
>training season. they just have to be willing to take on the role of
>one of our PIMPS ;) it's not an acronym for anything....just something
>fun incorporate into our lingo ;)
> However, men are not obviously not a staple of our group. I'm
>willing to say that over 1/2 of us were never athletes prior to
>running....and most of us started running as a way to accomplish
>something for ourselves, to get out of the house, make our way through
>a life evaluation stage or get daily break away from the kids. I think
>a lot of us run for reasons that other women can relate to and because
>we are "all women" I think its less intimidating for newbies to our
>group. That, coupled with the idea that women tend to put more meaning
>behind what a group like this means, gives us a strength and a bond
>that makes our group unique. You won't catch me talking with a man I
>see once a week at a Saturday training run talking about my cramps and
>how my period will arrive the day of the race....but with women, you
>can do that. I also won't be caught talking to a man I see once a week about the latest thing my husband just did to drive me bananas.
>though we are primarily a womens group, we enjoy running with everyone.
>I think our husbands/boyfriends enjoy us being part of such a close
>knit group that revolves around somethign so powerful and healthy in our lives.
>sometimes, I think they might even be a little jealous. but what's
>really cool is that they are always the first one to raise thier hand
>for "waterboy" duty or be the support vehicle on our 20 mile training runs.
>the bottom line is that we want to maintain our friendships and bonds.
>i believe in this community we are role models for many, not just
>women. I know for certain that we have inspired other women to run, or
>run more regularily. If our group was mixed, I think we would lose
>some of that "close knit" feeling....sacrificing our success.

Just wanted you all to know what was said....hope you are all good with it. Kim can report her stories she shared ;)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Galesburg 125th

Galesburg is celebrating their 125th this weekend. I am in charge of the 5K Fun Run & 3K Fun Walk. If anyone is looking for something fun to do, come join us.

Details on our webpage:

I am missing all of you and hoping to make it to the run on Thursday night.


Hey Ladies,
Just wanted to ask a few questions...update on somethings and say "hi." So for starters...hi. :)

1) Just confirming Wednesday at 5:30 at Courts? I'll be there.

2) Is anyone going to do the TV Commercial at Scheels on Thursday?

3) Is anyone going to do anything in the Prairie Rose State Games in July? I hear they are having a 5k, 10k and Tri-athalon. I'd be interested in running. Just curious if anyone else is thinking about it.

4) Wanted to update you that we officially have a team of 12 for the Great River Relay!!!! We are registered as Women High On Running (W.H.O.R.s) with a team number of 99! Yay! Our teammates are myself, Heidi Bierdeman, Benita Nordenstrom, Jen Dees, Melinda Rogers, Candace Ell, Leslie Brunette, Krista Andrews, Jane Horien, Robin Quade (RRR member), Nicole Kungle (RRR member) and Jill Thompson (random girl from Fargo that was found by Robin Quade!) So, we are set to go. If you guys have any creative ideas for decorate our vehicle, costumes, "survival" for the 36 hour race, fun music, etc, etc....let us know!!!! We have lots of hill training to do!

5) I won't be at the TRF this Friday or the RRR run on 10 year reunion. I am nervous and excited...and nervous and excited. But I am going to try place in my age group in the 5K saturday morning in Grafton....with or without a hang over!

Monday, June 18, 2007

TRF Schedule?

Has anyone been receiving the emails regarding what the plan is for the TRF each week? Just curious. Travis mentioned that I should be getting emails about that. (I haven't if anyone has received the email could you forward it to me?)

Vegas was a BLAST! Now.... back to reality :)

Tracy's Bachelorette Party is Sat, June 30th

Save the date! I don't know the details yet, but location will be Downtown Fargo. Time and place TBD. Janie and Lynn will be sending out an E-vite in the next few days and/or we'll post to this blog.


ps. Great wedding story Melinda! You must have heard me complaining about how expensive weddings are. Crazy!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Week of May 18th

Okay Ladies!!!
Running around West Fargo is getting a little boring for me (and I miss seeing all of you!!). Is anybody interested in some 5:30 or 5:45 am runs from Courts or the Y this week?? I am thinking anywhere between 4 and 6 miles at least a couple of times this week.

I am going to run tomorrow am (Monday) but I don't know if this is going out too late. If anyone is interested--give me a call at home. 282-9259.

Kim, Dianne and any other Turtle runners--I need some info on the race like where to register, etc. Can you fill me in???

Hope to see you all this week.

Jill--you too--with a belly band!!! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

YMCA Adult Swim

I just received this mail from the YMCA. I know we have a lot of swimmers out there, and this might be a fun change of pace for the summer. Hell, I might even try it, if they let me bring my floaties:)

Adult Swim Training:

The perfect opportunity for triathlon participants, future master
swimmers, or a lifelong swimmer! Come join us every Tuesday and
Thursday at the Island Park pool to be coached by Talia Merritt, Head
Coach of the F-M Y Gators. Talia will take you through workouts designed
for your needs. Participants are encouraged to be able to swim at least
50 yards without stopping to participate.

Classes will be at Island Park Starting June 19th, on Tuesday and
Thursdays from 6:00-7:00am. The program will run through Aug 2nd.

Cost is $30.00 for members, $40.00 for non-members. Contact the front
desk to register. Questions contact Pauline Alba at 701-364-4167 or
Talia Merritt at 701-364-4151

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Running Books?

For those of you readers out there, I am looking for some good running related books for my summer reading. I know Leah mentioned one-will you give me the author of that?
Thanks for your help with my summer entertainment.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Wed Run

Diane and I are planning to run 8 miles on Wed am at 5:30. We are running with a couple of gals from courts plus. We are starting at Brenda's house, she has a tighter schedule than us. Her address is 1755 Park Blvd S. It is the street immediately to the west of South High track. These gals are fast, but they let us set the pace, so do not be intimidated. I know there is a chance for t-storms, so if it is lightning, we will cancel.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hi from the road

Hi all! We've been gone less than a week (4 days) and I'm already anxious to get home...I managed to get through the tour of Northwestern without embarassing Cassie. What a beautiful campus! We're on our way to Huntingdon, PA to see Juniata college, by way of Cleveland, Ohio. We plan to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tomorrow before we get on the road again.

I got my 7 mile run in on Friday- we stayed at a hotel with an amazing fitness center- tvs in every machine, cool wet cloths for when you were finished, cold and room temp water- bikes, treadmills, stairsteppers, efx machines- it was great. Cassie and I even went swimming- the pool room was heated to 98 degrees and the pool was about 80. I wish we could have stayed there longer!

Hope things are going well for you all!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Weekend/Day at the Lake or Breakfast at the Lake????

Hi Ladies,
I told you that I would get back to you on the weekend that we could potentially get together out on Pelican Lake.

It is the weekend of June 23rd-24th.

I know that it is summer and everyone is busy with other fun family stuff. We could do a couple of different things (or none of them if everyone is too busy)--you guys decide!!

1. Go for a run Saturday am and then just do a potluck Brunch at the cabin.
2. Go for a Saturday run and spend the day together--we have a pontoon, jet ski and tubes---& hopefully some sunshine!!!
3. Make it a girls weekend--we could potluck and overnight kinda like we did at Benita's.

I think this could be a ton of fun--no matter what we do!!! Let me know what your thoughts are, and we'll try to put something together!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Tempo Run

I had every intention of having my butt on the the line at 6:00 am. (Notice I was too chicken to even think of putting my toe on the line!) I am curious to see what the TRF is all about. However, this nasty chest cold I have prevents me from leaving the house. From the previous posts it sounds like a pretty intense training event. (I am beginning to feel I am out of my league to even consider giving this a try). Please fill me in on how it went this morning :)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kathleen's Dumb Brain

I would like to honor Kathleen's three years of health and recovery by planning a 3 mile run on Monday, June 4th at 5:45 from Courts Plus. We celebrate birthdays as a group....and I feel pretty passionate about celebrating Kathleen's life and reflecting on how she's impacted us in our years of knowing her. All our lives are too short. Often times when I am running...and struggling on the run, I muster out the final 3 miles by focusing on "I am Three." Some of you might know it as "JOY." Jesus, Others, Yourself; and I give one mile to each. Though she can't be there, let's celebrate Kathleen...and our own health...and our recoveries as well.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My dumb brain...

Hi WHORS. Please say a little prayer for us next week. Monday, the 4th, Drew and I are going to Minneapolis for my 3 year post-surgery, check-up (WOW! It's been 3 years!!). It's just an overnight trip. Obviously, we assume everything is fine(especially after running 3 marathons since surgery!), but it seems it's still necessary for me to get a cerebral angio-gram every couple of years, indefinitely. Other than finding a few screws loose, we expect the aneurysm to be stable...unless I knocked something out of place when Kim & Diane tripped me at mile one (tee hee)!!

Anyway, as much as I joke, it is still sobering to think of what could have been. Clearly, I have a guardian angel (my brother, Danny!!), and feel blessed, beyond anything I could describe.

The angios are never fun, and require a few days of recovery (both emotionally and physically), but I plan to be at the Red River Runners picnic with the kids in tow (Drew will be in D.C.) on Thursday.

Your prayers are welcome, comforting and very much appreciated!

Thank you, Friends!

Great River Relay Last Call

I am planning on doing a fall marathon....and Beardsley's....but would really, really like to try get a group of women together to run the Great River Relay. I know I posted before and got some response from some.....if we are going to really do this, it's time to commit and know who is in for the relay. Email me with questions.... tell me what you need to know.
The relay is August 24 and 25th.
We need 12 women.
Each participant pays about $80
Each participant runs a total of 3 legs during the relay. The race is 24 consecutive some legs are run through the night.
Legs vary in distance between 3 and 8 miles.
We need 2 vehicles to transport runners
We could use 1 person as the support crew (biking, driving, etc)
If we can't do it with all women, I would be open to including pimps.

PLEASE let me know if you are 99-100% sure you want to run the relay. You can email me at or just respond here on the blog.

Disclaimer: I, Leah Swedberg, promise to leave my competitive nature at home and make this an extraordinarily FUN, good natured, TEAM event that will add to the list of unique life expereiences for all participants!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Got the Runs on Saturday Morning????

Hi Girls!!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I am going to try to organize a 7 am Saturday run from Zorbaz on Pelican Lake. I would like it to be a regular thing that people could just show up for. I am not sure how many of you are "lake people" but I think the hills out there will do us all some good---yeah, good--or something like that!!! Many people will be training for fall marathons and the Beardsley half, so it will be a good way to get in some hilly miles in preparation.

And, of course, coffee, cold beverages and lounge chairs will be available at the Dees cabin for a little post run R&R!!! We are less than a half mile from Zorbaz.

Let me know if this is something that you would be interested in.

For those of you that don't know where the heck Pelican lake is--it is an easy 35 minute drive from Fargo--more directions to follow.

June Birthdays

I love our tradition of running with friend's on their birthday. I'm sorry I'm going to be gone so much in June I'm missing out! Here are the June birthdays I know of:

SugarMomma (Candace)- June 4th turning 27
SweetSpot (Sheri)- June 15th turning THE BIG 4-0!!!!
Special K (Kathleen) June 25th turning 37

I don't know some bithdays- Tracy, Sue, Jen Q. so if yourS is coming up, please let us know so we can start your day right-with a run. You choose time, place, pace and distance!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I put a link to the PMP slideshow in the "favorite links" section.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the planning, decorating, games and souvenirs last night. Your time invested in the party showed and is appreciated more than you know. The two truths and a lie game was a super idea. Who knew Jill was a medic in the National Guard. Krista was Miss Pre-Teen North Dakota (or even that there was such a thing). Or, how 'bout Kim teaching disco. Yeah Baby...Who would have EVER thought Ann lost her virginity?? Or, was it Ann who was humping the mannequin in Leah's classroom??? And, Donna. Donna. Donna. We're sorry Micheal cheated on you. Luckily, "David" was there to see you through. Thank God. YOU ROCK, SUPERSTAR.

You're an amazing group of women. Every step in a marathon is a blessing. Every friend made through the process is a treasure. Thanks for letting me in your lives.


Tracy & Tom's Wedding

I had so much fun last night!!! I am still laughing! It was a night to remember. You can all take credit for my success, for I could have never done it without your support.
Another night to remember is my upcoming wedding. I'd like to invite y'all to come, but I don't have mailing addresses. This is kind of a strange way to do this, but if you are interested in receiving an invitation for the wedding (I'm sending them out this weekend), please email your name and address (and cell phone #) to my home email account at, and we will include you on the invite list.

Friday, July 6th, 2007, 4pm
First Lutheran Church (Fargo)
Social hour, dinner and dance to follow
Holiday Inn (Fargo)
We'd love to have you be a part of our special day!

Tempo Run Fridays (TRF's)

Here is the email Tom Smith sent out yesterday. My Tom did this all last summer, whereas I could never roll out of bed that early. Email Tom Smith at if you want to be added to the weekly TRF list or get the chart he sent as well. Everyone who did it last summer saw positive changes in their races.

OK all,

The Marathon is over....The State meet is Friday and Jim Bush is only days away...and it's time to get started on our TRFs. It all starts this Friday.

Who should TRF? Anyone who wants to run faster in any race from the mile to the marathon. Tempo runs are medium-length runs that elevate your heart-rate and really teach your body to deal with the burn of faster-paced running. After tempo-run training, you'll be able to sustain a higher work-load and resulting pace over any racing distance. Who wouldn't want that?

Here are the details......We'll meet at the Fargo South Track and warm-up. We all need to get 'er done in time for work so everyone should be there and warmed up...toes on the 6AM...Yep, I said 6AM. In past years we've had 20 or more people manage to make it at that ridiculous hour. I too thought that it was crazy...then I ran a few mornings on the cool, still air. You can too. I usually get there about 5:40 for stretching and warm-ups. IF you have an HRM...bring it. Heart Rate is a great way to focus this type of training.

This week we'll all get into the swing of things with a 20-minute run. I've attached a little chart that relates a recent 10k pace to what you might expect to run for splits in a tempo run. The chart shows splits for a 5k....some will run a little more than 5k, others will run a little less, but the splits should be pretty close. I'll help you get into groups so that you can run the laps with a few others....motivate and encourage your pace-group.

Maybe you've looked at the chart and said, "I can't run that!" Well. you can't if you don't try. Remember, Long Slow Distance results in Long Slow Races...It's time to hit the TRF
Tom Smith

Saturday, May 19, 2007


I feel so proud to be a part of the W.H.O.R.s today. Everyone of you are so inspiring and encouraging- and accomplished!
Barb and Karen-it was so fun to see you out cheering on the sidelines! Thanks so much for being there.

My intention was to stay to see the full marathoners cross the finish line, but I wasn't able to because I broke a fundamental running rule: DON'T TRY ANYTHING NEW ON RACEDAY. On rare and random occassions I suffer from a food allergy. Certain red and yellow foods make my whole face puff up like elephant man. It starts with an itching in my eyes, and if I get benedryl in time I'm usually fine. Anyway, I think the yellow gatorade did me in. So I had to go home, take some drugs, and ice my face. CRAP. On the plus side, it didn't start kicking in until about 30-45 minutes after the race. I had a chance to eat, visit, get my bag, etc. and was just going to change into dry clothes when it started. This is the 6th half-marathon or marathon I've run, and I've never had this trouble before, but you can bet next race I'll either plant some of my own gatorade or wear my fuel belt.

I'm so excited to hear everyone's stories. I finished in 2:16:25- not my best half, but not my worst, either. I was about a half a minute behind Sheri, but I honestly did not see her the entire race. I meant to run with her, but we got separated before the starting line, and I didn't see her again until after the finish line.

PLEASE send me pictures from the race if you have them. I'll put them in the slide show I'm doing for the PMP!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Thanks and good luck!!!

So I'm leaving the marathon expo tonight and I get a call from my boyfriend and he asks "Have you been by the apartment today?" I hadn't since this morning, and I got concerned ... like I'd left a candle burning and I'd somehow burned the house down while I was off carbo loading and gleaning inspiration from Bart Yasso.

He assured me it was nothing bad and he wasn't kidding! How fun to come home to see yard decorations there to cheer me on for the marathon. I'm not sure who the culprit is, but I am pretty sure it is you guys! :-)

Thanks a ton!!! This whole experience would have never been as enjoyable if I hadn't stumbled across the lovely and inspiring ladies that you all are. Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see you all at the finish line.


WHOR Paint

(Sounds like war paint - maybe we should put pink smears across our cheeks)
OK, so Tom has been marking the course this week. So I have access to lots of marking paint-hee hee. But my quandry last night was writing "WHOR" on the streets of Fargo, knowing it wouldn't come off for at least 30 days! I did do a sign on plywood that will be just before Mile 22 on Meadowlark Lane when you turn off of Elm Street. It's bright orange so hopefully you won't miss it on my parent's blvd (right hand side). Anyhoo, any further marking I may do today will probably say Red River Runners or Pink Ladies, just to be more neighborly. There may be some WHOR terminology on 40th Ave/17th St by Tom's house too, if I make it back there.
PS. Dr. Jen, I took your advice and grabbed some pink miles as my pre-race tune up.
PPS. My crazy former friend Kathy will be here from Chicago to run--remind me the next time we run together to tell you how that friendship ended. Yikes!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Fellow Whors,

It looks like tomorrow is baby day for us. Anne is in the we are anxiously awaiting the start of things!

I may not see any of you before SAturday's race........but I will be on the course.

Good luck to all of you. I feel like a Mom who's kids are going off to college; proud but sad....

Keep focused and have a ball! After all it is your Town! This is your Course! You own it! Now take it!

Almost Grandma Whor, Lady G

Good Luck WHOR's!

As you all know I will be at a wedding in Bismarck this weekend so I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK to all of you and I can't wait to hear about your results at the PMP! I will be with you in spirit!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I got a good chuckle when I came home tonight to find signs in my yard. Thanks for practicing restraint- I've seen what you all do with forks!

Cassie tried to explain it to her girlfriends when they dropped her off tonight from a concert. She said it was her mom's "weird friends".

The pedicures were good, but it made absolutely no difference that I tried to book us together. No one knew anything about it. That part was frustrating, but it didn't really matter. The price was right, and our toes are race ready!

PreRace Meeting

Are we all planning to meet before the race on Saturday? I know those of us that are running with a pace group have to meet with them a half hour or so I believe. I think all of you met by the womens' bathroom (where we were on Saturday) last year. Just wondering.....

Heidi ho

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Party Games

What is a party without Games???

Two Truths and a Lie

Tell me two things about yourself that are true, and one thing that is a lie. At the party, we will try to guess which one is the lie. Email me your information ( but don't tell me which one is the lie. Send along a picture from your prom if you have one. I can still scan photos in if you bring them to the Expo on Friday.

PMP-Post Marathon Party


Post Marathon Party
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
7 PM
Fargo Country Club
Cash Bar
Formal/Semi-Formal-wear your medal!

Please RSVP to this site. We need an exact count by Monday, May 21 to plan for "whors" de ouvers.

Pedicure Party!!!

Tomorrow night, 7 PM at Spa a School- Their new location is in the old O'Neil's furniture building behind Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Here is the list I have:
Paula (my Mom)

There is 1 spot open if you'd like to join us! If you call the school, mention my name.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Running this week?

Anybody doing short runs this week? I just got back from Kentucky this morning, so I went for a 3 miler before coming into work. I thought I was going to die! Huffing and puffing and legs tired--I almost decided not to run the half. The voice of reason has now kicked in and reassured my irrational side that it will be fine. Should have put some miles in down South, but I was too busy relaxing :-)

ps. I discovered that I do NOT like mint julips, and that I haven't lost my touch in playing the ponies.

Friday Race Expo

Sheri and I are meeting for dinner on Friday at 4:00 pm at the Applebee's across from the dome. PLEASE JOIN US!
We plan to go to the speakers afterwards.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I am sure everyone received Mark's plea for volunteers. I thought if everyone could put the pressure on their co-workers, maybe we could ease his anxiety. He e-mailed me directly and asked for Dave to help. I kinda wanted Dave out on the course being cheer-leader, but did say I would give him up if need be. So in true WHOR fashion, let's get some people out on the streets!!!!


For those of you gadget people I want some advice. For Mother's Day and our Anniversary I told my husband I want a Garmin. DO they have them at DBRC or where would you suggest I get them? I am assuming they are all around the same price at each place? Any suggestions on the newer or older one? Tracy-are they on sale at the Scheel's in the mall?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My sister and Las Vegas

Ladies, this is completely unrelated to running...
I am taking my sister to Las Vegas for her bday. I've been there once before and stayed at the MGM...but I think it's out of my price range this time around (for the dates we'd like to go). I am looking for somethign on the strip with a GOOD pool system...meaning, there aren't a lot of screaming kids...and possibly an adult pool....but also somethign that's not totally spendy, like the Bellagio. Looks like the Tropicana might be an okay bet. Has anyone been to Vegas and have any feedback for me?

WHOR-made Ebay?

So, Remember how we thoguht maybe we would have a running garage sale? Well....what'd you guys think of posting some items here on our blog just between us? We could take pictures of anything we wanna sell and post them on the site....or you can just describe it. If you don't know how to post a photo....shoot it to me and I can get it on the site for you. Thoughts?

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

jogging stroller

Thanks to Jen, I already have a jogging stroller. Thanks so much.

Lady G

Monday, May 7, 2007

Women's Health Summit

Karen, Jane, and I were at the Women's Health Summit today. I had a great day- I thought it was well worth the registration fee and the time. The speakers were inspirational and informative. It was just fun to spend the day with a bunch of women committed to living a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone got a pedometer. Once I figured out how to work it, I logged in over 7500 steps. I plan to wear it to work tomorrow and get in over 10,000. I learned some T'ai Chi Chih moves that were great for relaxing. A perfect warm up or cool down to running. I got the number of the instructor and hope to take a class from her sometime soon. I also bought a book "Creat the Body Your Soul Desires" by one of the speakers, Dr. Karen Wolfe. I'll put it on my summer reading list and let you know how it is...

Plan to go with me next year!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Grabbing Dick

Beautiful Man!

I've got a ton more that I will email out in the next day or so!

Alberto and Dick

I had such a good time at the Grand Opening of DBRC today! I had to leave before all the prizes were awarded- who got the grand prize of the camp? Anyone we know? Congrats to Kim on the shoes- I'd be really jealous if it hadn't been her birthday this week. :)

Cassie's LAGC concert had to be suspended, then postponed because of a problem with the fire alarm at the church (Hope South)- it kept going off for no reason. It would get turned off, the girls would start singing, and then it would sound again. It was awful. At one point, the alarm kept ringing for 30 minutes straight- it wasn't hard to tell they made the right decision in postponing. The awards banquet was moved to Nativity so we at least were able to do that. The concert will be rescheduled, which is a hassle, but now maybe my parents can see her.

Can someone post pictures from the event this afternoon? I brought my camera, but never took it out of my bag...

running schedule

When is everyone running this week? Going from Courts Monday or Tuesday?

Whopeless Whor, formally Lady G

jogging stroller

As I am soon to be a Grandmother (3 weeks or less); I am looking for a jogging stroller (do they not call them running strollers?): anyway, if anyone has one that their kids have outgrown or knows of one, I would certainly be interested in buying it. I think my daughter-in-law and I would both use it a lot.

Thanks, and let me know, appreicate it,

Lady G (Barb Grande) who still hasn't figured out how to get a gmail account. I may have to switch my name to "Whopeless Whor".

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Giving up Yoga-lates for Broadway

I woke up this am and couldn't figure out what I had done in yoga-lates to make my abs so sore. Took a minute, and then I realized it was from all the belly laughs last night. OMG how fun was that? Thanks for making my birthday unforgettable. I am sure they will have a tough time forgetting us at Toscana and the Ho-do.......Thanks for all the cards and gifts.
Barb and Gigi- I loved the mug so much, I took PW's also.....(I will give it back)
Hope you ladies made it through your run ok this morning, pretty crappy out there!
k, need to get busy and de-fork my car, probably isn't appropriate for a funeral. (but when have I been appropriate)?
See a bunch of you tomorrow at DBRC!
Thanks Again!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Scheels West Acres 30% off

Hey WHOR's, the West Acres Scheels just went to 30% off today, FYI.
I'm thinking of running the 10 miler Sat morning at 7am instead of the Chase Race...depends on how crappy the weather is. Knee is feeling better but I think I pulled a hammy. Went to my chiro (Dr. Jeff Pladson) and he cracked every available bone in my neck, back and even re-adjusted my knee. Talk about "nappy time". Feeling much better though.

ps. Happy Birthday Kim!!!

The wind does blow 365 days a year in Fargo!

Before I left for my freshman year of college at Concordia someone in my home town asked me where I was going to college and I told him Fargo. He then told me to make sure I always bring a jacket because the wind blows 365 days a year here. I thought of that when I was running (in slow motion)against the wind this morning with Teresa. UGH! It was great when it was at our backs...nothings better :)
Kind of off subject BUT does anyone still swim on Sundays? I have not been going Sundays because of the nice weather I just want to be outside doing cross training. I thought about going this Sunday-anyone else?

Birthday girl says THANKS!

LOVE MY CAR!!!! Some goofy WHOR was doing tricks early this morning, decorated my car while I was swimming, it is soooo cute! I haven't even thought of my Birthday, so that was fun, now I get to celebrate with stickers for 2 days!!!! Thanks for making my day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

UPDATED beardsley events

In addition, Dick Beardsley and Rainbow Resort have donated a Free Dick Beardsley Running Camp Wiaver to be given away at the store on Sunday. I'll find out check back. Also, Brooks, New Balance and Mizuno are giving away promo stuff....and DBRC shirts are in stock. Alberto and Dick will also sign those if you want. Oh! and they are giving away 2 pairs of mens and one womens...I think.

Plan to be there at some point on Sunday!

Who is Running this Weekend?

Hi Ladies! Who is running Chase Race and/or DBRC race this weekend? I'll be at both, but not sure if I will run both.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Dick Beardsley Grand Opening Events for the Grand Opening Weekend at the Store.
Sunday, May 6th
2:00pm Fun Run with Dick and Alberto
2:30 or so...Dick and Alberto to speak to runners together
Afterwards, there will be a book signing with Dick, Alberto and the Author of Duel in the Sun. Books will be for sale at that time...or you can bring your own copy.

There will be a 10% discount on shoes and apparel, but Greg is thinking about upping that for RRR members. I suggested also that he do a give away or drawing...but no word yet. If things are added to the weekend or changed, I will post them here.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Injury advice

Okay guys I need your help. I think I jinxed myself thinking I felt pretty good with only 4 weeks left to go and no major injuries. Next year I will learn to keep my mouth shut!!! ANYWAY... the Sunday after the Earth Day 1/2 my ankle was swollen - and still is. I may have made the mistake of trying to do the long run on Saturday because it hurts even worse (went from dull pain to shooting pain) today. Before I do anymore running I think I should see someone to find out what the heck is going on. I tried to do some research but now I am even more confused if its a sprain, strain, or stress fracture and the recovery time for all of them doesnt sound good beings the race is less than 3 weeks away. :( I know you all have mentioned doctors in the past to go to so I'm looking for some advice.


Friday, April 27, 2007

WHOR Video

Hey Ladies~
I know that Leah had suggested at one point making a video for our PMP party (I believe) and gave the suggestion of having it "professionally" done. I know there was a little opposition with people feeling that we shouldnt pay someone to do it for us (and I am all about saving a buck myself). I was at Leah's last night and she showed me a video that this same person did for the Shanley football team. It was really, really awesome. I think that if we wait until the end of the year with the marathon, Beardsley, Chicago, the Great River Relay, (to name a few), coming up we would have the opportunity to have tons of photos, footage and memories that would make for one heck of a video. Just thought I would put my two cents in. I think Leah said that it would cost around $10.00 and in my opinion it really would be worth it!

Heidi-ho, ho, ho

Thursday, April 26, 2007


HI all! When I was in town for less than 24 hours, I was able to get fitted for my orthodics. I'm in Sunny California now- 90+ degrees, but no flip flops or sandals for me! I'm supposed to wear my new orthodics all the time, which means I'm wearing my running shoes all the time. I don't know if that is a good thing or not, but I don't have any other choice for this weekend. The good news is I wore them all day today without any trouble. Of course, I didn't run or do much walking, but I can feel a difference.

Tom Pettinger at the Great Plains Health Store made them for me. I went to high school with his son, Tucker. Tom is 73 and still working! He seems to know what he's doing. He must have told me three of four times that marathon runners are the hardest to please. He asked me if my legs ever hurt after running, which I thought was a kind of dumb question. How do you know if your legs hurt because you ran 10 plus miles or if they hurt because you have some kind of problem? He suggested I wear compression socks. They are really ugly. I'm not going to get them unless I absolutely have to (he told me he wears them all the time as if that would make me want to wear them, too- yeah, I want to be just like a 73 year old man). By the way, PW, he said if your orthodics squeak, put powder in between the shoe and orthodic.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Bjork, Interpol, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Artic Monkeys, Silversun Pickups, the Tokyo Police Club and the Noisettes. Saturday and Sunday have similar lineups of great bands. I may be deaf by the time I get home- more than I already am, anyway. I tried to serve a glass of Merlot to a woman who wanted a roll at the club the other day...

Have a great weekend! I'll be running with you in spirit!

Madame B

Monday, April 23, 2007

We Painted the Earth Pink!!!

OK--no one seems to be talking, but I just want to congratulate all that ran the Earth Day run, as I think Fargo kicked some serious booty down in St. Cloud!!! I have not had a chance to chat with everyone, but despite some tough runs for our girls everyone finished strong.
We had some tough weather to start and finish with, but it was cool outside and didn't rain for most of the course, which made it easier to stay hydrated and energized.
Diane and Kim, I heard that you pulled each other to the end--I knew something was up as you passed by---you both looked no worse for the wear--I would've never known. Tell us about your run!!! I think it is awesome that you crossed the line together--makes me cry to think about it--I wish I would've seen it.
Barb and Sarah--you guys as well--Leah shared a little about your run with us at lunch afterword, you both are awesome for sticking it out and crossing the finish line. You'll have to fill us in on the details.

Also, for all of you that stayed back and did the MS run and WON it for cripes sake--strong work!!! Good thing Leah scored an extra Medal for our home town weiner--I mean winner. Sheri--I still owe you some $$ for the walk, I am so glad that there was so much good done for MS this past weekend as well.

I am looking forward to having the "gang" all back together this weekend for our last "big one" before the race---hopefully will also see some of you in the am on the streets this week!

Have a great week, ladies!

Great River Relay Revival

Girls, I know I brought this up last year and got some positive feedback....but nothing ever really came of it. I am serious this year. I am looking for 12 committed women to participate in the Great River Relay this year. 198 miles from LaCrosse, WI to St. Paul, MN on the last weekend in August. Check out the link below and let me know if you are interested....for real interested. ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Last Night's Run

Who ran with Dick yesterday? Were there a lot of people there? Details, people, I need details!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Chicago Marathon

See below if you were thinking of registering for Chicago....check out the info below. Diane recieved this today. Looks like the clock is ticking.

Registration for The 30th Anniversary LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon is very close to reaching its planned 45,000 participant capacity. With the submission of entries continuing daily, there are less than 5,000 open entries available and registration is expected to close before the end of April.
Once open registration is closed, there will only be a few ways to gain entry into the race. Registration will be available through one of our 85 charity partners, affiliated international tour groups or the Chicago Area Runners Association. More information on those options will be made available at the time of close.
Runners interested in participating in the October 7, 26.2-mile race are encouraged to register online on our website or take advantage of the other options as soon as possible.
About The LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon The LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon will celebrate its 30th anniversary on Sunday, October 7, 2007 as 45,000 participants advance to the start line, embarking on the culmination of 45,000 personal journeys.
Along with the massive field of recreational runners, the 26.2-mile course will welcome a full field of world-renowned professional athletes drawn to the flat, fast, urban setting and the potential to break world and national records. The professionals will compete for a portion of the $650,000 prize purse and points in the World Marathon Majors series which will crown its first male and female champions with $500,000 each at the close of 2007.
Since the inception of its charity program in 2002, The LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon has generated more than $27.5 million for a variety of charitable causes including $9.3 million with the 2006 event alone.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The "Young Pups" Running Schedule 4-16

Heidi and I will be going out Wednesday morning from the YMCA at 5:00am for 8 miles. Who shoudl we expect to see in the parking lot?


The "Geri's" running schedule:
Diane and I are going to do our 8 mile run tomorrow at 6 am from courts.
Wed. we are going to chase "Dick" for 6 miles
Thursday will be 4 miles from courts at 6

Saturday, April 14, 2007


OK. So, I don't have a picture to post, which is a huge bummer. Here's why: I listened intently (Ann did, too. You all know Ann...the nice one), as these eager women runners told of their prescription for pain and inflammation, after completing long runs. They sit in a tub of ice water for up to 15 minutes. Our eyes kept meeting with wonderment and surprise, or maybe "wonderment and confusion" would be more appropriate, as we tried to understand how they physically "do it."

I ordered my 24 oz latte and hurried home with reserved anticipation.

I did what I was told: put only cold water in the tub, dumped the ice cube dispenser tray into the tub, undressed from the waist down, bundled up with two fleece coats and my winter hat/scarf/face mask wrap (pulled all the way down for extra warmth, of course...everyone knows you lose most of your body's heat through your head). I placed my PEOPLE magazine and coffee next to the tub, for convenience. Since I'm going to be in there for 15 minutes, I might as well have something fun to read and hot to sip on!

It still looked daunting to me, so I added an extra treat. I thought it might be more inviting with some bubbles. I poured half a jug of HELLO KITTY bubbles in, held my breath and slid in.

HOLY CRAP! My toes were becoming frost-bitten (nearly fell off, far as I cold tell), and ice cubes were sliding in places they have never been, and clearly don't belong.

I lasted only 1 minute. I'd rather (and still might have to) get my hip replaced. I won't ever forget this experience. I'm in awe of you ICE WHORS.

HELLO KITTY and I are taking another approach. After icing my hip earlier, we're taking a nice, hot bath together tonight (Drew's giving a speech in Grand Forks, so HK's my date in the tub).


Special K
(Kathleen Wrigley)

St. Cloud 1/2 and April 28th!!!!

Let's wear our "nothing's better..." shirts in St. Cloud...
and Saturday April 28th for our LONG 20-22 miler. Group photo on the 28th!!!

DBRC on Wednesday

Who's coming to chase Dick on Wednesday?
I am working at the store...but look forward to seeing you guys there!

Pre Race Pedicures?

Anyone know when our pre-race pedicures are at the Spa School? I need to ask for time off at the DBRC. Thanks!!!

Saturday Morning's run

What a beautiful day for a run! I thoroughly enjoyed the weather this morning! My run was a bit tough- my heel hurts and I'm limping pretty good now, but I'm still glad I got out there. It was fun to run into Donna and Barb- It feels like I hadn't seen them in AGES.

Sheri and I did our public service this morning by giving some women directions to Ben Franklin. They might still be driving around trying to find it if Sheri (who doesn't even live in Fargo) hadn't corrected me while I was leading them on a wild goose chase!

Wasn't it cool that we got posters? I'm going to have to find a special place to put mine.

Is anyone going swimming tomorrow?

I hope you all have a good weekend!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Scheel's Run Tomorrow

This is really late, but I wanted to see if anyone was planning on doing the Scheel's 5K run tomorrow. My sister's are here and thinking about doing it, but it doesn't look like I can build our normal course around it, and starting a 16 mile run at 6:30 isn't going to get me done in time to join them. Any thoughts?


I was in Dick Beardsley's store today -Ouch to the pocket book; two guys were in there buying rain gear for Boston on Monday. It is going to be pouring rain, a chance of 40-50 mile an hour winds. They are concerned about tree branches breaking and falling on the runners and they are setting up stations along the way for runners that drop out. One guy said they are even talking cancel it, though that decision wouldn't be made until late Sunday or early Monday. The marathon has never been canceled before.

Yuch! The one guy (3:05 qualifying time) is leaving tomorrow morning..

I thought of Mark and running in that awful weather.
You might want to go online and check things out.

Just an FYI,

See you all in the am,

Lady G

Testing the Waters

Good morning ladies.
I am a bit only took me 1/2 hour to figure out how to set up a google account. Now, I will see if I can post on it.
I love the ability to read on the blog! Categories are nice :)
Lady G - I will attempt to send the pics again. I am not sure why you didn't get them?! I am beginning to think my computer has gremlins behind the scenes.
Have been having the ITB problems again :(

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I'm just goofing around again, made some changes. What do you think?

Women's Health Summit

Jane just reminded me that the Women's Health Summit is coming up soon- Monday, May 7th. I know some of us talked about going earlier. I haven't registered yet, but would still like to go- has anyone else registered?

All the details can be found here:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

this weeks Runs

So, Jen brought up a good idea this morning. can we start one blog each week specifically for the running schedule? For example, 3 of us met this morning at the Y....but there were likely others who met elsewhere for the long run.

I am learning how to use this blog as well...but if you notice, on the left side of the screen, there are blogs sorted by dates. We should be able to expand and minimize all the blogs as we wish. So, if we title one blog each week as Running Schedule....or something, you should be able to click on it, and access people's comments or post your own. Make sense? This way, we can keep the schedule chatter in one section of the blog....and fun stories in other sections ;)

And....if you think this is retarded....blame Jen :)

Mark's Gift

Mark's gift has been delivered to his office. Here's what I bought:
$20 to the DBRC
2 pairs of running socks
4 gaterades
2 Clif Bars
5 Gels...two were PINK just for us ;)
Body Glide
Sausage shoelaces (they're new....the don't untie as easily when you are running)

I decided to put it all pretty in an Adidas Shoebox. Has all kinds of tissue paper sticking out of it. Janie made a really nice card that had our names in it. And I wrapped it up with that clear cellophane stuff like a fruit basket or something. Rollie commented on how "fun" it looked...and I think if a guy says that...then it must be okay;)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My trip to the Podiatrist!

I'm sure you're all excited to hear about my dr. appointment today, so here's the skinny-

I saw Dr. Hoffsommer at Dakota Clinic. To his credit and my relief, he never suggested that I alter my training program in any way. Turns out I need orthodics. I learned all kinds of not so great news today about my feet. I have bunions and a bunionette (on the outside of my foot). One leg is longer than the other, I'm slightly bowlegged, and I have something called tibial jarum (he wrote it down for me) that leads to rear foot pronation. Evidently I have low arches and narrow feet. The fat pads on my heels have atrophied, and I have athletes foot.

The good news is, I should be able to correct most of my trouble with orthodics, and I was able to get into the lab and have foam molds made today. They will be ready in about 2 weeks. Then I will have to go through the process of breaking them in.

What I can't decide now, is how much running I want to do before I get the orthodics. I think I will run my 12 this Saturday, but scale back tomorrow and just do 5.

Today I'm feeling very old and feeble- atrophied fat pads and all. At least Kim doesn't HAVE fat pads on her feet- mine are worse! Why couldn't it be belly fat that atrophied????

Madame B

Monday, April 9, 2007

Virgin Blogger (too)

Yay! This is so much fun - and my email isn't getting clogged! I love it!

Lady G - I am too excited to see everyone in St. Cloud - and all I think I need from that direction is my Aussie hat from when we were at Nevis... I have no idea what hotel I'm staying at, it's the one that was on the website for the Earth Day site! Anyone know which one that was, dang, I need to remember to pay attention!

Next... every write in pencil (and soon I hope it will be in pen) for a run in Brainerd on Oct 13 (the week after Chicago and Mpls)... I've got some fantastic contacts that have been given to me and a ton of enthusiasm for a run here - dang, I hope it really happens, it has so much potential for a huge event!

Love ya all! Baby Lolita

Dr J goes techno

First time blogging. I kinda have the shakes. I feel as though I have entered into a whole new cyber-geek teritory. Anyway, Brian and I are at the Best Western for Earth Day and plan to hopefully get to St. Cloud in the early afternoon on Friday. I will not eat jalapenos at the mexican restaurant the night before like last year. Eventhough the Best Western is close, it was way to far to get back to after the race(and jalapenos)last year! Heed my warning.
Who is running in the am this week and which days? It would be nice to get a group together on Wed. for the 8 miler.
Hope you all had a great Easter!!!



P. S. I don't have a clue what you are talking about when you say gmail, so either write slow so I can figure it out, or write big so I can figure it out.

Again, Respectfully,

Lady G


I, too, am trying this blog for the first time; I got to tell you, I feel like I'm entering new territory.

First, I, too, am going to St. Cloud; I have a room at the Best Western and as far as I know DH is coming with; though can't be positive I have mentioned it to him yet.
Second, Donna, I haven't seen the pictures you must have taken Saturday. Did I miss them?? Could easily have happen. Which WHORS did you have to rescue?

Third, Benita, I can't believe you know all this stuff; good for you. It makes me crazy!

P. S. Baby Lolita, looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Anything you need from this direction, just holler!

See you all Saturday,

As always, Respectfully,

Lady G


Thanks for checking out the blog! I'm excited that we can all chat in one place and no one will be left out!!

I'm going to work on making this a team blog, so we will all have our own gmail accounts and can post with our own name instead of logging in under one account. This will make it easier to recognize who is posting.

As soon as I have time to do this, you will get an invitation via email to join, and then you will be directed on how to get your own free gmail account. I am going to do it myself first, then I'll pass on the info to you all.

Look for an ivitation soon!

Thanks everyone for your patience as we all learn new technology!


Blog Attempt

Hey.. I made it this far. Just wanted to test the waters so to speak. If you can read this I guess an Old person CAN learn new Tricks...tee hee GiGi

Earth Day Half?

Who is all running the Earth Day Half? Where is everyone staying? I believe I am at the Best Western (I should probably check that forsure). Should we have a meeting place or are our hotels close together?
I was just curious who will be in my company when running.
Sugarmamma (candace)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

this weeks runs

Hey Ladies, Diane and I are running tomorrow from courts plus at 6 am. for 6 miles. We like to run Mondays, and take tuesdays off so we are not running 3 days in a row.....we are old! Come join us! I am pretty sure we will be doing our 8 miles from courts also on Wed, probably at 6......
Lady M

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday Morning's run

Keith Bernt asked me this morning how my training was going, and I had to confess that at best, it's uninspired. I'm bored and tired and it feels like such a chore. i skipped my speed workout this week...But I think (hope) a lot of that has to do with the weather.

I'm glad I got up and ran this morning. It was nice to see friends. Thanks so much to Tracy and Tom for giving us rides back to the dome so we didn't have to run into the wind!!

Leah- how are you feeling???? We were thinking of you as we ran today, and hoping your fall didn't do too much damage.

There's nothing like running outside in the cold to make you appreciate a hot shower and a good breakfast. Eggs and toast don't taste a good if you haven't run first. And I had an orange, and a piece of chocolate cake, and now I'm going shopping for Easter goodies!

Have a great day everyone!


Friday, April 6, 2007

Too Funny, this testimony must not be forgotten!

It just so happened, that Tracy's soon to be betrothed (Tom Clow)
was aghast at what he saw, that Tracy asked me to take a look to see if it
were truly that horrifying. And yes, I will attest that it was the most
horrible sight I had ever seen. Imagine if you will, the show Everest (on
the National Geographic Channel) where the climbers summit Everest but they
get frost bite from their journey - black necrotic flesh that needs to be
amputated. Now, imagine if you will, that same black necrotic flesh the size
of a small phone book on Tracy's ass with the carpet "print" embedded into
it - I could tell that it was a Berber. My jaw dropped open and I nearly
wept for her pain. It was a wonder she didn't have to amputate her right ass
cheek. It truly took her a long time to heal, poor girl.

This tale of Tracy's tail is no exaggeration. It was truly a wonder.

So there is no need for you to be scared of me in the locker room, for I too
have shy bits and would rather look the other way.
Janie Rudnick (posted by Leah)

Street Name for Tracy

Tracy needs a street name! I am not that creative- So I'm counting on your help!

Don't worry, Tracy, we'll try to come up with a name you can live with.

How about Pink??

Madame B

Posting on this site

To start a new thread, or post, click on the blue "NEW POST" at the top right of the home screen. It is to the left of the "sign out" and "customize" sections.

This is also where you can post pictures by clicking on the little picture icon in the posting screen and choosing your photo.

We're all learning the new technology- hope this helps!


Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thank You!

Hey WHOR's,
Thanks for all the nice emails on my engagement. Love to share the happy news with fellow runners/good friends. Again, sorry for the no-show this morning. I have the hardest time getting out of bed to run when it's dark & cold! I haven't run since last Wednesday and I'm not caring about it so much. Guilt guilt guilt guilt...I promise I'll be present on Saturday, then you can tell me the story of how you all got your nicknames.
Regarding the pink miles...isn't that why you chose pink as the official WHOR color?
I'm a new blogger too...this is my first post.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007