Friday, July 6, 2007

Saturday morning run

Hi ladies,
Just an invite/reminder that Red River Runners meets tomorrow (Saturday, July 7) at 6 a.m. at the downtown Y. Leah and I plan to be there for sure, so whoever is up for going please come! Leah plans to run 16 and I am shooting to run about six with her, possibly a little bit further but probably not much. I'm sure you guys probably saw Mark's e-mail that some are meeting at 5:30 to beat the heat, but Leah and I are shooting for 6 a.m. to squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep before heading out.

I know many of you are out of town, but a couple (Benita, Candace, Krista?) were contemplating a Saturday run.... Tomorrow will be my inaugural "start running early in the morning again" run. Hooray! Hope to see you whoever can make it there!

Have a great Friday,

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July

Hey ladies!
Hope everyone had a good 4th! The future Mrs. Clow, Krista, Benita, Donna, Donna's daughter and I (pluse some more folks I am probably forgetting to list!) had a hot but fun run at the MSUM 4th of July 10K yesterday.

I have to sheepishly admit the 10K was the first time I've run more than 5 miles since the marathon (I'm a pro at the 3-mile routes however), so the 10K was a great step at easing back into things. I've been looking at the 4th of July sort of as a second New Years --making a resoultion to up mileage now that it's July! And step it up I will so I'm ready for the Ragnar Relay with fellow WHORS at the end of August.

Some of you know this and some of you don't, so I'll throw it on the blog...just wanted to share that I've recently become engaged. :-) I'm getting married April 12, which should have me in all right wedding dress shape since I will be training for my second Fargo Marathon. I'm excited and Tracy Leverson (hey, it's the last day we can all write that name --tomorrow it will be Tracy Clow!) has already given me some good tips.

Hope to see you all at some runs soon since I've committed to getting back on the running bandwagon full swing.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Alberto Salazar

Alberto Salazar collapsed while coaching yesterday. He didn't have a heart attack, but they put a stent in and he's in serious condition. You can read about it in the sports section of the forum. (I tried to post a link, but I don't know how)

He's in great shape and only 48- It seems so odd that he's ill- we just saw him!

My heart goes out to him and his family- I wonder if there is any way we could send a card to let him know we're praying for a full, quick recovery- any ideas?

Sunday, July 1, 2007