Saturday, April 14, 2007


OK. So, I don't have a picture to post, which is a huge bummer. Here's why: I listened intently (Ann did, too. You all know Ann...the nice one), as these eager women runners told of their prescription for pain and inflammation, after completing long runs. They sit in a tub of ice water for up to 15 minutes. Our eyes kept meeting with wonderment and surprise, or maybe "wonderment and confusion" would be more appropriate, as we tried to understand how they physically "do it."

I ordered my 24 oz latte and hurried home with reserved anticipation.

I did what I was told: put only cold water in the tub, dumped the ice cube dispenser tray into the tub, undressed from the waist down, bundled up with two fleece coats and my winter hat/scarf/face mask wrap (pulled all the way down for extra warmth, of course...everyone knows you lose most of your body's heat through your head). I placed my PEOPLE magazine and coffee next to the tub, for convenience. Since I'm going to be in there for 15 minutes, I might as well have something fun to read and hot to sip on!

It still looked daunting to me, so I added an extra treat. I thought it might be more inviting with some bubbles. I poured half a jug of HELLO KITTY bubbles in, held my breath and slid in.

HOLY CRAP! My toes were becoming frost-bitten (nearly fell off, far as I cold tell), and ice cubes were sliding in places they have never been, and clearly don't belong.

I lasted only 1 minute. I'd rather (and still might have to) get my hip replaced. I won't ever forget this experience. I'm in awe of you ICE WHORS.

HELLO KITTY and I are taking another approach. After icing my hip earlier, we're taking a nice, hot bath together tonight (Drew's giving a speech in Grand Forks, so HK's my date in the tub).


Special K
(Kathleen Wrigley)

St. Cloud 1/2 and April 28th!!!!

Let's wear our "nothing's better..." shirts in St. Cloud...
and Saturday April 28th for our LONG 20-22 miler. Group photo on the 28th!!!

DBRC on Wednesday

Who's coming to chase Dick on Wednesday?
I am working at the store...but look forward to seeing you guys there!

Pre Race Pedicures?

Anyone know when our pre-race pedicures are at the Spa School? I need to ask for time off at the DBRC. Thanks!!!

Saturday Morning's run

What a beautiful day for a run! I thoroughly enjoyed the weather this morning! My run was a bit tough- my heel hurts and I'm limping pretty good now, but I'm still glad I got out there. It was fun to run into Donna and Barb- It feels like I hadn't seen them in AGES.

Sheri and I did our public service this morning by giving some women directions to Ben Franklin. They might still be driving around trying to find it if Sheri (who doesn't even live in Fargo) hadn't corrected me while I was leading them on a wild goose chase!

Wasn't it cool that we got posters? I'm going to have to find a special place to put mine.

Is anyone going swimming tomorrow?

I hope you all have a good weekend!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Scheel's Run Tomorrow

This is really late, but I wanted to see if anyone was planning on doing the Scheel's 5K run tomorrow. My sister's are here and thinking about doing it, but it doesn't look like I can build our normal course around it, and starting a 16 mile run at 6:30 isn't going to get me done in time to join them. Any thoughts?


I was in Dick Beardsley's store today -Ouch to the pocket book; two guys were in there buying rain gear for Boston on Monday. It is going to be pouring rain, a chance of 40-50 mile an hour winds. They are concerned about tree branches breaking and falling on the runners and they are setting up stations along the way for runners that drop out. One guy said they are even talking cancel it, though that decision wouldn't be made until late Sunday or early Monday. The marathon has never been canceled before.

Yuch! The one guy (3:05 qualifying time) is leaving tomorrow morning..

I thought of Mark and running in that awful weather.
You might want to go online and check things out.

Just an FYI,

See you all in the am,

Lady G

Testing the Waters

Good morning ladies.
I am a bit only took me 1/2 hour to figure out how to set up a google account. Now, I will see if I can post on it.
I love the ability to read on the blog! Categories are nice :)
Lady G - I will attempt to send the pics again. I am not sure why you didn't get them?! I am beginning to think my computer has gremlins behind the scenes.
Have been having the ITB problems again :(

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I'm just goofing around again, made some changes. What do you think?

Women's Health Summit

Jane just reminded me that the Women's Health Summit is coming up soon- Monday, May 7th. I know some of us talked about going earlier. I haven't registered yet, but would still like to go- has anyone else registered?

All the details can be found here:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

this weeks Runs

So, Jen brought up a good idea this morning. can we start one blog each week specifically for the running schedule? For example, 3 of us met this morning at the Y....but there were likely others who met elsewhere for the long run.

I am learning how to use this blog as well...but if you notice, on the left side of the screen, there are blogs sorted by dates. We should be able to expand and minimize all the blogs as we wish. So, if we title one blog each week as Running Schedule....or something, you should be able to click on it, and access people's comments or post your own. Make sense? This way, we can keep the schedule chatter in one section of the blog....and fun stories in other sections ;)

And....if you think this is retarded....blame Jen :)

Mark's Gift

Mark's gift has been delivered to his office. Here's what I bought:
$20 to the DBRC
2 pairs of running socks
4 gaterades
2 Clif Bars
5 Gels...two were PINK just for us ;)
Body Glide
Sausage shoelaces (they're new....the don't untie as easily when you are running)

I decided to put it all pretty in an Adidas Shoebox. Has all kinds of tissue paper sticking out of it. Janie made a really nice card that had our names in it. And I wrapped it up with that clear cellophane stuff like a fruit basket or something. Rollie commented on how "fun" it looked...and I think if a guy says that...then it must be okay;)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My trip to the Podiatrist!

I'm sure you're all excited to hear about my dr. appointment today, so here's the skinny-

I saw Dr. Hoffsommer at Dakota Clinic. To his credit and my relief, he never suggested that I alter my training program in any way. Turns out I need orthodics. I learned all kinds of not so great news today about my feet. I have bunions and a bunionette (on the outside of my foot). One leg is longer than the other, I'm slightly bowlegged, and I have something called tibial jarum (he wrote it down for me) that leads to rear foot pronation. Evidently I have low arches and narrow feet. The fat pads on my heels have atrophied, and I have athletes foot.

The good news is, I should be able to correct most of my trouble with orthodics, and I was able to get into the lab and have foam molds made today. They will be ready in about 2 weeks. Then I will have to go through the process of breaking them in.

What I can't decide now, is how much running I want to do before I get the orthodics. I think I will run my 12 this Saturday, but scale back tomorrow and just do 5.

Today I'm feeling very old and feeble- atrophied fat pads and all. At least Kim doesn't HAVE fat pads on her feet- mine are worse! Why couldn't it be belly fat that atrophied????

Madame B

Monday, April 9, 2007

Virgin Blogger (too)

Yay! This is so much fun - and my email isn't getting clogged! I love it!

Lady G - I am too excited to see everyone in St. Cloud - and all I think I need from that direction is my Aussie hat from when we were at Nevis... I have no idea what hotel I'm staying at, it's the one that was on the website for the Earth Day site! Anyone know which one that was, dang, I need to remember to pay attention!

Next... every write in pencil (and soon I hope it will be in pen) for a run in Brainerd on Oct 13 (the week after Chicago and Mpls)... I've got some fantastic contacts that have been given to me and a ton of enthusiasm for a run here - dang, I hope it really happens, it has so much potential for a huge event!

Love ya all! Baby Lolita

Dr J goes techno

First time blogging. I kinda have the shakes. I feel as though I have entered into a whole new cyber-geek teritory. Anyway, Brian and I are at the Best Western for Earth Day and plan to hopefully get to St. Cloud in the early afternoon on Friday. I will not eat jalapenos at the mexican restaurant the night before like last year. Eventhough the Best Western is close, it was way to far to get back to after the race(and jalapenos)last year! Heed my warning.
Who is running in the am this week and which days? It would be nice to get a group together on Wed. for the 8 miler.
Hope you all had a great Easter!!!



P. S. I don't have a clue what you are talking about when you say gmail, so either write slow so I can figure it out, or write big so I can figure it out.

Again, Respectfully,

Lady G


I, too, am trying this blog for the first time; I got to tell you, I feel like I'm entering new territory.

First, I, too, am going to St. Cloud; I have a room at the Best Western and as far as I know DH is coming with; though can't be positive I have mentioned it to him yet.
Second, Donna, I haven't seen the pictures you must have taken Saturday. Did I miss them?? Could easily have happen. Which WHORS did you have to rescue?

Third, Benita, I can't believe you know all this stuff; good for you. It makes me crazy!

P. S. Baby Lolita, looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. Anything you need from this direction, just holler!

See you all Saturday,

As always, Respectfully,

Lady G


Thanks for checking out the blog! I'm excited that we can all chat in one place and no one will be left out!!

I'm going to work on making this a team blog, so we will all have our own gmail accounts and can post with our own name instead of logging in under one account. This will make it easier to recognize who is posting.

As soon as I have time to do this, you will get an invitation via email to join, and then you will be directed on how to get your own free gmail account. I am going to do it myself first, then I'll pass on the info to you all.

Look for an ivitation soon!

Thanks everyone for your patience as we all learn new technology!


Blog Attempt

Hey.. I made it this far. Just wanted to test the waters so to speak. If you can read this I guess an Old person CAN learn new Tricks...tee hee GiGi

Earth Day Half?

Who is all running the Earth Day Half? Where is everyone staying? I believe I am at the Best Western (I should probably check that forsure). Should we have a meeting place or are our hotels close together?
I was just curious who will be in my company when running.
Sugarmamma (candace)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

this weeks runs

Hey Ladies, Diane and I are running tomorrow from courts plus at 6 am. for 6 miles. We like to run Mondays, and take tuesdays off so we are not running 3 days in a row.....we are old! Come join us! I am pretty sure we will be doing our 8 miles from courts also on Wed, probably at 6......
Lady M