Morning Ladies,
I wanted to let you know that I was contacted last night by a guy named Matt Fitzgerald. He is a runner and is helping Dean Karnazes write a book about his Endurance 50 that he did this fall. If you remember, Dean ran the Fargo Marathon route as part of his journey....Kim and Ann ran with him for much of the way. Matt found my email address through our blog....he's read every line....every thought....every joke.
At any rate, he wanted to know some details about our group to include in the book since Dean remembers running with Kim and Ann....and meeting a few of us at the finish line. Below is what I wrote. I hope you are all cool with it.
First, Kim....start at the bottom and read up.
>Second...Kim...did Ann run with you and Dean as well?
>Matt, Yes, you can call us "Whor" when referencing us individually.
>Use it as much as you can because this may be the one time that women
>allow you to call them that ;) It's all in fun.
>The WHORs were born a long time before the name ever came along. Our
>running group formed shortly after the 2005 Fargo Marathon as a way to stay
>connected and keep getting some long runs in through the summer. Prior to
>Fargo 2005 not a single one o f us had know each other. Running
>brought us together....and has kept us together. As Fargo 06
>approached, some of the experienced runners in our group took some new
>runners....or returning runners under our wings and begin establishing even greater relationships.
>Last summer, 06, we were running one Wednesday morning and wondered why
>we didn't have an official name for ourselves. We wanted something with
>meaning....but something that would also be short. Kim Skarphol laughed
>out loud and said "Ha! Women High on Runner Every Saturday!" The
>jokes started immediately. Kim being the oldest in the group was
>dubbed Lady Marmalade in charge of her brothel of women who could be
>spotted running the streets at early hours of the morning. The acronym
>for Women High on Running Every Saturday stuck for about a week until
>some of us started experiencing problems with our email, getting
>administrative warnings for explicit content. The jokes had gotten too
>deep to change the name, so it was instantly shortened to Women High on
>Running (WHORs.) Since then, we've had no email problems!!!
>Our group consists of about 18-20 women, all who met through running. I
>don't believe a single one of us knew each other prior to our running
>experiences. Well, that's not true. 95% of us did not know each other
>prior to running. We met through running, bonded through running, and
>are now an important piece of each other's lives. What's cool about
>our group is that there's such a range in ages, paces and experiences.
>We range from ages 24-55 and have paces from 11:00 miles to 7:00. Some
>women in our group just ran their first race this year....other's are
>working on multiple races at one time!
>We typically meet once a week (generally Saturdays)...sometimes twice a
>week to run a longer, early morning run. Sometimes we road trip 45
>miles away to run a 10 mile loop around a lake with hilly terrain. We
>get together at Christmas time and have a WHORnament Exchange. In late
>January, we traveled together to a cabin for a retreat weekend and run
>in the snowy, rolling hills of lakes country, MN. Following the 2007
>Marathon, we had a Post Marathon Party to celebrate our accomplishments
>at the local Country Club.
>Like most running groups you'll talk to....we are there for each other
>for more than just running. Some of us have gone through cancer scares
>and brain aneurism recovery...other's have had loved one ship off to Iraq.
>While some are having babies, other's are finding themselves separated
>in a new marriage. We share more than running together.....we support
>each other and share our lives.
>I think I could speak for the group to say that we are truly blessed to
>have one another. We are a strong willed group of women. We are
>family and we learn from each other. We are not an exclusive bunch, we
>look for other runners; men and women to connect with, mentor or learn
>Kim, you'll have to correct me if I am wrong on any of this
>information......or fill in some blanks if I missed some things. There's
>so much to be said about our group. Matt, you've read our blog....I am
>sure that you have read some real heartfelt sentiments from others...on
>what this group means to them. It's universal. Words simply cannot
>capture what we have together.
>Any questions Matt?
He then reponded.....
Wow. You just made my job a heck of a lot easier. I do have one question:
What is the importance of your group's being all women? In what ways do you feel it nourishes you that a coed group? might not?
As mentioned below, I'd love to hear about your run with Dean. If you're not quite the email powerhouse that Leah is, I'll be happy to call you!
To which I replied....
>Good question Matt. Kim, you'll have to help me with this one too.
>I suppose we are an exclusive group since we named ourselves "women"
>high on running. But we do run with men, especially during marathon
>training season. they just have to be willing to take on the role of
>one of our PIMPS ;) it's not an acronym for anything....just something
>fun incorporate into our lingo ;)
> However, men are not obviously not a staple of our group. I'm
>willing to say that over 1/2 of us were never athletes prior to
>running....and most of us started running as a way to accomplish
>something for ourselves, to get out of the house, make our way through
>a life evaluation stage or get daily break away from the kids. I think
>a lot of us run for reasons that other women can relate to and because
>we are "all women" I think its less intimidating for newbies to our
>group. That, coupled with the idea that women tend to put more meaning
>behind what a group like this means, gives us a strength and a bond
>that makes our group unique. You won't catch me talking with a man I
>see once a week at a Saturday training run talking about my cramps and
>how my period will arrive the day of the race....but with women, you
>can do that. I also won't be caught talking to a man I see once a week about the latest thing my husband just did to drive me bananas.
>though we are primarily a womens group, we enjoy running with everyone.
>I think our husbands/boyfriends enjoy us being part of such a close
>knit group that revolves around somethign so powerful and healthy in our lives.
>sometimes, I think they might even be a little jealous. but what's
>really cool is that they are always the first one to raise thier hand
>for "waterboy" duty or be the support vehicle on our 20 mile training runs.
>the bottom line is that we want to maintain our friendships and bonds.
>i believe in this community we are role models for many, not just
>women. I know for certain that we have inspired other women to run, or
>run more regularily. If our group was mixed, I think we would lose
>some of that "close knit" feeling....sacrificing our success.
Just wanted you all to know what was said....hope you are all good with it. Kim can report her stories she shared ;)